Chapter 22

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I waited for about 10 minutes after Elijah walked out of the bar to head out to the boss. I got into the car and smiled at him.

"Mission complete sir. But I am very dizzy." We pulled out and started driving.

"How many drinks did you have?"


"Ok well after your almost coma that probably wasn't the best choice, plus your still underage. So, when we get back ask Mr. Wright. He has the best hangover fix."

"And how do you know that?"

"I'm afraid it's classified."

"Whatever Mason." I giggled and I think I saw him smile but after that I must have blacked out because I woke up in my bedroom the next morning.

The light was blinding when I opened my eyes, it must have been at least 14:00. Great, another day I slept away. I had a pounding headache as I walked down the stairs to find Mr. Wright making some sort of smoothie.

"Good morning Goldeneye." His voice was ringing through my ears. Why was he yelling?

"Woah Mr. Wright can you stop yelling please?"

"Oh sorry." He smiled at me and went back to the blender.

"What's so funny? And what are you making?"

"Nothing is funny, just that it's your first hangover and I am just recalling my memories. Also, I am making my hangover cure." He continued to put several things in the blender and then poured the liquid into a glass. He put it on the counter and pushed it towards me.

"If you think I'm drinking that, you're crazy."

"Ok, suit yourself but unless you want to go to your date with that pounding headache and have the need to make Elijah whisper than I would drink it." I gave him a look and picked up the glass. I took a huge swig of the liquid and it was positively disgusting, as I imagined.

"What is in this?"

"A mix of everything that cures a hangover. Also, you need to eat. What do you want?"

"Ok. I what I want is to know what's in here so how about I'll guess and if I guess right you tell me. I'll take a drink before every guess. Then we both win. And as for food I'll just have a sandwich."

"Ok, go. You'll never guess all the ingredients though. There is a total of 10 of them." He went to work making my sandwich while I took another drink of the liquid.

"First is water. I'm not stupid. You need water to make a smoothie."

"Ok. You got one." I took another drink. It still sucked, and as I drank more it seemed to get worse. But my headache was starting to go away, so it seemed to be working.

"I am getting a really strong taste that might be... coffee?"

"You got another one!" We continued the game while I ate my sandwich and I proceeded to guess all 10 ingredients which were:

o Water

o Coffee

o Dark Chocolate

o Toast

o Grapes

o Spinach

o Ginger

o Milk

o Carrots

Yeah, disgusting. Don't ask how I guessed all of those. The boss came down the stairs just as I was finishing the glass.

"Good morning Goldeneye. How are you feeling?"

"Much better now." My headache was gone, and the boss was talking at a normal volume and it wasn't hurting my ears as much, so that's a good sign.

"Good, I'm glad because you need to be in perfect shape for this date tonight."

"Yes, sir. You know I will be." It was 15:30 and I needed to start getting ready. I walked up to my room and went into my closet. I knew just what I was going to wear.

I walked back down the stairs 3 hours later at 18:30. Yes, it takes me 3 hours to get ready, especially this fancy. Every girl on the planet does it so don't judge, and boys if you're ever waiting for a girl who's taking super long to get ready, it's because she wants to look good for you, so be patient.

Anyway, I was wearing a purple dress that was a halter top and had a slit up to my thigh in the front. I had a black belt and black hand wallet. The boss was waiting for me in the car and I stopped to hug Mr. Wright on the way out.

"You look absolutely ravishing Goldeneye."

"Thank you, Mr. Wright." I walked out and drove the hour and 10 minutes with the boss. We discussed how my mission would go. I was to go in and have dinner like normal with Elijah. After dinner I had to somehow get him up on the roof so that the boss could pick us up. I knew this wouldn't be easy, but I had to do it. The world depended on it.

We arrived at the restaurant at 19:40, right on time. We parked a block from the restaurant so the boss could get out to wait in a building next door and so I could drive up in case Elijah was already there. He did not need to see I had a driver.

Sure, enough he was waiting outside the doors. He noticed me pull up and ran to open my door for me.

"Wow, I feel like a celebrity. Thank you very much." I smiled

"You look like a celebrity in that dress, it's the least I could do." We headed into the restaurant. Elijah was a tall skinny man. He had dark black hair and bright blue eyes.

Once we were seated the conversation varied from day jobs, (which I told him I was a nurse. That was my cover for now.) to past dating life. We had a very surprisingly, lovely dinner for you know, him being a terrorist, and we were about to end the date. I needed to make my move fast.

"I had a really great time tonight. So much so that I was wondering if you would join me on the roof and we can continue." I winked at him and walked away towards the stairs. To my success he followed me.

I got up on the roof and turned to face Elijah.

"How much do you like me?" He asked with a devilish smile on his face.

"This much." I said and as I leaned in for the kiss, I heard a deep voice behind me.

"Put your hands up." I snapped around and there were a series of men coming out from the stairwell. They circled us.

Oh boy, here we go.

"Not exactly how I planned this date to go," he said as the guns were pointed at our heads. "But they must have some reason to suspect you. You're not a nurse, are you?"

"You evil man." I said to his face and then turned around to assess my surroundings.

We were surrounded, enclosed in a circle of men twice my size but definitely not as deadly. Elijah hopefully did not know what I was capable of, and I was not ready for him to see the real me. As the men surrounded us pointing guns at my head, I was stuck in a hole. Fight these guys and show him who I really was, proving to him I was working against him or take the punishment and surrender to them. I did not know what to do, but I had to act fast.

GoldeneyeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon