Chapter 35

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(Narrated by Jake)

I knew when I saw how much blood there was near Liz that I would have to cauterize it. If I didn't, she would bleed out and die.

I stood up and looked around for something to use. I couldn't find anything that would hold a flame long enough to use! Then it hit me.

I ran over to my bag that I had dropped on the floor and pulled out the medical kit. Inside there was a mini defibrillator. It would deliver an electric current to cauterize the wound. Yes, you can use electricity and not fire but electricity hurts about 100% worse and this is already a procedure that hurts more than you can imagine.

I ran back over to her side, turned on the machine and got ready.

"Ok Goldeneye, three, two, one..."

She screamed in pain and it hurt me, but this was for the best. The bleeding stopped and I looked up to her see face.

She was slow to speak, and her fingers were twitching uncontrollably from spasmatic muscle contractions. But when she finally spoke her voice dripped low and hot with fury.

"You'd better pray," she seethed between gasps, "you don't get hurt because I promise you-" she smiled, locking eyes with me, "-I'll be just as gentle with you." I smiled. She was ok, and just as sarcastic as ever.

"Remind me never to get hurt around you." I laughed and even through the pain, I saw her smile.

The rest of the men helped me get all the stuff back to the vans while I carried Liz and we pulled out.

I thought about all that had just happened, Liz had shot the man. I put her by my side purposely so she wouldn't have to. I didn't want her to go through that pain again, but she did anyway. I was desensitized to it by now, but I know she isn't.

She was going to have to be soon though. Elijah is going to turn her into the most heartless, dangerous, soldier there is and no matter how much it hurts me, there's nothing I can do to stop it.

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