Chapter 30

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I got back to the base and parked my car. I had been gone for almost an hour and Jake's team was just now pulling out. He signaled to me from the driver's seat and I smiled. Right as he passed me, he honked the horn of the truck, which mind you was very loud, and I jumped, making him snicker. I stuck my tongue out as him and he drove around the corner.

Once inside I made my way to Elijah's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." He sounded very serious.

"Yes sir." I sat down in a chair across from him.

"Don't look so scared, I'm come bearing good news." His smile still didn't reassure me.

"Good news for you or me, might I ask?"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll like this news."

"Yes sir."

"I know I told you, you would be at a desk job for a while, but a new opportunity has arisen, and I need an excellent agent like you."

"Why send me, the new agent, when you have men like Jake?"

"Because they are already trained and perfect. You are a clean slate and I know just who you're going to be."


"Yes, and it will be the greatest thing that ever happens to you. See you in the garage at 04:00 tomorrow."

"Yes sir." I walked out of the office. What in the heck did he mean? I was already trained in every single area that could be needed as a special agent. Who was he going to "turn me into"? I headed back to my room, there was only one of my three roommates in the room and it happen to be the girl I met earlier in the hall.

"Hey, I remember you! From earlier in the hall." She said as she looked up from her book.

"Yeah! What are you reading?"

"The Rulebook for All Things Spy" Elijah requires all incoming agents to read it."

"Oh, so your new too?"

"No, I'm just rereading it, for the 5th time..." She gave me an embarrassed smile.

"Oh nice." I couldn't help but giggle.

"Oh, my goodness, where are my manners, I never asked you for your name! And, you're obviously a field agent so, codename also."

"My name is Liz, codename Goldeneye, you?"

"Oh, cool code name! My name is Teylia. I don't have a code name because I'm with the science division."

"Nice. What do you do there?"

"We usually analyze data from the field or sometimes we have to go out and find fingerprints, tracks, (etc.)."

"Hm, cool. Also, how did you know I was a field agent?"

"You just have that vibe about you. I should know, we have one bunking here when he's not gone."

"Oh really, what his name?"


"Is he gone right now?"

"Yeah, he just left on a mission earlier today."

"Oh ok." Jake is in MY room?? What are the odds? I was actually ecstatic about this. "So, who is our other roommate?" I asked, noticing there was one more bed in the room.

"Oh, that bed is always empty. It used to be just me and Jake but now it's you too." I nodded and turned to start to unpack my things. All I really had were some clothes which I put in my drawer and my three guns that I put under my bed.

"Oh yeah, I was so right. You are hardcore field agent." She laughed as I finished fitting the weapons under my bed and put my other handgun under my pillow, like I always do. "Jake keeps 4 guns under his bunk when he's here. And always insists on me having one too, though I never listen."

"Oh well you should, I'll agree with Jake on that one." She laughed and I finished putting my bag away.

She is so nice! I am so surprised that all these people working for Elijah are so nice. Do they even know what they are doing? I changed into pajamas in the bathroom for our room and put my toothbrush in the holder.

I'm sure it will be interesting sharing a bathroom with two others, let alone one of them being a boy.

I washed up and got in bed. I looked over and saw Teylia was still awake. "You said that Elijah requires everyone new to read that book?"


"Funny he hasn't mentioned it to me yet."

"Oh well, I'm sure he will."

"Yeah. What time do you get up in the morning?"

"Normally around 03:30."

"03:30?? Why so early?"

"I am a morning person I guess."

"Ok, well can you wake me up when you get up?"

"Sure thing."

"Thanks, and goodnight." I turned my lamp off, and she did the same. I don't know what is in store for me tomorrow but whatever Elijah is going to throw at me. I am ready.

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