Chapter 11

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I finished my mission successfully.

As I was going back to the plane (which Mr. Wright had moved to a different, secure location), the target in hand was being very uncooperative. I'm sure that he was struggling, thinking he could break free easily because I'm a girl but little did he know, my grasp was not loosening. I walked up the stairs to the plane shoving the guy up in front of me. Mr. Wright was just inside the door when I stepped in.

"She's a tough one, wouldn't you agree." He spoke with a smile to the guy who was still struggling against my grasp.

One of the guards on the plane took him away from me and led him down the hallway to the interrogation room.

"How'd it feel to be out in the field again? I heard that you've been working hard training for some big mission, though I wasn't told what it was." He winked at me on that last part.

"It was good, I guess." I responded with little to no enthusiasm.

"Why the long face?" I pointed to my phone which I had found outside the plane that was now ringing and he nodded his head, I stepped inside the plane. Mr. Wright always understood me. It was nice to have an on official relationship in the agency, who wasn't my boss.

"You are on route back to HQ, when you get here go down to Room * and continue training." The boss said as I answered the phone and entered my room.

"Yes, sir."

"Goldeneye, can we try to get past this little disagreement please?"

"Can you get over this extra equipment and trust me please."

"I told you before, you know I can't do th-"

"Then its settled." I cut in interrupting him and then hung up and set the phone on the desk.

I really did not want to go back down there. I still had 135 agents to go. I was taking my time before, spending about 30 minutes with each agent but if I continued that way it would take me about 168 days to finish. There was absolutely no way I was going to spend the next 168 days of my life in that fricken room. I was going to work my butt of so I could finish these trainings and get far, far away from the agency for a little while.

One of the guards from the plane came into my room and said, "The boss is on the phone, he says its urgent."

I only shook my head, not even looking up.

"Ma'am, I have to insist. I can't disobey direct orders."

"Then I'll do it. Hand me the phone." He handed me the phone and walked out of the room.

"Agent Goldeneye, I specifically told you that if that earpiece came unconnected or you hung up on me you wou-"

"I am done with this, if you can't trust me after all these years, I shouldn't have to listen to you"

I hung up and marched the phone back to the guard.

I went back to my room and read one of the many books that I have in there for the rest of the trip home.

I didn't know what the boss was going to say to me when I go back but I knew I was in for a round of something.

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