Chapter 19

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Mr. Wright showed up about 10 minutes after I hung up with the boss. He turned the corner and I was sitting on the ground of the alley. I had moved away from Elijah's building obviously, but I was so close to passing out by the time he got there I couldn't even stand.

"You ready to go Goldeneye?"

"Other than the f-fact I c-can't stand, yep."

"Oh wow, I wasn't told you were injured. What happened?"

"While I was in with Elijah, they were drugging me."

"Oh goodness, ok here we go." He proceeded to pick me up and carried me about a block back to the plane. By the time we got back to the plane is was passed out.

I woke up in a hospital bed, my extensions and contacts were still on. Good thing too, I don't need records on who I am being in a hospital in Brazil. I know they would have looked up my name and come up with the alias I have for this cover by now. My name was in as Liz Gordon and I have a driver's license with a picture of my disguise and everything. Yep, I'm that good.

Mr. Wright walked in the room with the lady from briefing. Here we go. This is when the mission gets exciting, my days of research are over.

"Welcome back to the world of the living Goldeneye." Mr. Wright smiled at me, but I could tell something was up.

"How long have I been out?"

"4 weeks." He said through his teeth.

"4 weeks!?!? Why in the big blue world was I out for 4 weeks??"

"You had so much of that drug that you almost went into a coma, plus the plane crashed on our way to the hospital. Someone messed with the engine while I was finding you. Our evidence suggests it was Elijah or one of his crew members."

"Can I kill him?"

"That you'll have to ask the boss." Mr. Wright smiled as he and the lady stepped back, and Mason stepped into the room.

"Boss" I nodded at him as I sat up. "You should leave, I can't have you seeing me like this." I turned my head away and he smiled at me.

"Goldeneye, turn around." He came and sat on the end of my bed. "How are you feeling?"

"As fine as I can be. In fact, I'm ready for my mission." I looked at the lady,

"Brief me. I'm ready to go."

"Slow down Goldeneye. You are not field ready." The boss's voice was stern but there was no way I was staying in this bed any longer.

"All due respect sir, I cannot stay here any longer. I have already been out for 4 weeks!"

"I will brief you now and then you will spend 3 more weeks in this bed. You're going to need that time to put these puzzle pieces together."

"Puzzle pieces?" He ignored me and nodded to the lady who handed him her tablet. Then her continued:

"You know the main man at the center of your mission is Elijah." He lifted the tablet and I photo of Elijah appeared on the TV."

"Oh yeah I was supposed to ask you, can I kill him?"




"Just a little?"

"No." I crossed my arms.

"Fine, continue." He turned back to the screen and continued talking. "If Elijah doesn't recognize you, your mission will go as planned: You will first stumble upon him in a bar. You work you magic and land a date with him. I will make reservations for a restaurant owned by one of us. Everyone on the kitchen staff will be there to help you, even the waiters. After that we will have another meeting and decide our next move. Make sense?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, Elijah will be at a bar near his base in 4 weeks, after you leave the hospital you will come to our base we have set up and we will get you ready."

"Ok boss, everything sounds right except what puzzle pieces were you talking about earlier?"

"Oh yes, you know that recently you were taken captive by someone who knew your name."

"Yes, that nurse."

"Yes, well before that mission I received an email from an unknown source who knew who you were, and they said they were going to hurt you and the Agency and then you were taken by those people. I want to know if this was Elijah's doing or someone else's. And you better hope Elijah doesn't know who you are."

"Yes, sir but what do I have to go on?"

"I am giving you the email, all data we collected on the nurse lady, and because the email mention the sender was a past employee, I'm giving you access to the Agency's employees records and my personal enemy list."

"Wow boss, thank you so much." That may not seem like much but some of that information is very highly classified and only can be accessed by a number of people. So, to me, this was a big deal.

"Any misuse of this information and you will have your clearance provoked and be banned from field work. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Then that's all I have for you. We will see you in three weeks." Mason, Mr. Wright, and the lady all walked out. I had three weeks to untangle this mess and it was going to be fun.

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