chapter 34

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Luci:Manik, I think what we fought till now we're his men ..
And we haven't met the actual person yet ..
Do you think we can handle him ? ..
He has an earth power ..
He can control everything inside this house ..
And you what position we are just fighting his men ..
Should we go back ? She asked

Manik: Lucy didn't you listen many people died even children ..
This man, whoever he is ..yes will be a tough opponent but
The previous fight gave me some power I never had before ..
If alone is hard ..
We all will do it together ..
He said and slightly felt the moment in his back ..

Nandini came back to concious ..

Nandini: sorry i fainted ..
She said and tried to get down from maniks back ..

Manik: no no ..stay ..relax ..we have another fight coming and you need to restore your energy ..
The celestial keys are taking half of your energy..
He said but nandini still moved and got down ..

Nandini: fight is for everyone also need to restore ..don't waste it on me ..
And also ..I think I have seen this place ..she said looking all around and everyone stopped ..

Lucy: are we again rotating in the same place ? ..
She said looking back ..

Ajeel:this is the only direction we were walking ..he said moving forward..

Manik: wait ..ajeel
This is same like before ..
The walls are coving the place and we are walking the same place in rotating motion again and again ..
He said and hit the wall beside them ..

The wall broke and they saw a room full of mirrors ..

They are being visible in all directions ..

Manik: what the hell is this..he said and started breaking mirrors one by one ..Lucy is also doing the same

Nandini: manik wait a second..
I see a black mist ..she said looking at one mirror at the corner of the room particularly..

Everyone looked at that direction ..
Manik: I don't see anything ..he said and moved towards it ..

Lucy: me neither ..Lucy said and ajeel nodded his head ..

Nandini: then why am I the only one who can see it? ..she said and went towards it ..

She slightly touched the mirror ..
And just as hand entered water ..
Her hand went inside the mirror ..

She pulled out immediately and everyone got shocked ..

Nandini: guys did you see this ..she asked anxiously..

Manik: yes..he whispered and went near it and touched it ..
And it was a normal mirror to manik ..
Lucy and ajeel also touched it and it was the same for them too ..

Nandini: why am I the only one who can go through it ? ..she asked and looked at manik ..
I will go inside ..
She said and moved front a little ..

Manik: nandini wait ..
We don't know whats on the other side and we can't risk it to send you alone ..he said and everyone agreed with him ..

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