chapter 25

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After a long time I guess or maybe I am feeling like that
We again came back to quests ..
As I am collecting my keys which are seperated from my mother after her death ..
Still the locations of the keys are unknown ..
Luck always doesn't find us .
Sometimes we have to find those ..

And this time I want to go in search of my keys ..
I know sometimes it can be a very dangerous but those keys have the warmth of my mother and I don't want to do any more late in finding them ..

These quests are done inorder to make us strong enough to fight dangerous people and my keys are the most important part for me if I have to do that ..

I went to Ms.juli room ..and knocked on the door
She was carrying some papers

Ms.juli: come in ..she said without looking at me and placed the papers on top of the cupboard ..
And turned back and looked at me as I was walking inside

Ms.juli: ah ..Nandini what is it ? ..she asked as she sat down on her chair

Nandini: I want to know something ..,Juli nodded her head
That day after my mother's death what happened to the celestial keys
How did they get seperated and got settled with some unknown people ..she asked confusedly

Ms.juli : the thing is ...I even Don't know ..
Do you remember I was with you cause I have to save you that time ..
As I returned back there are no keys at all except one with walt and he gave you that..but I heard ..that the monster is the one who scattered the keys pulling away from your mother ..
And after that some villagers picked them up it does not belong to me or Walt so we didn't ask any one about them ..but the thing we know about them is ..
The village people near the place of your mother's death picked them up
And it's already been 18 years we don't know where and how did they end up in different places ..
Do you want to find them ? ..she asked curiously ..
Nandini nodded her head ..

Juli smiled a little ..

Ms.Juli: I hope you do ..she said and touched her hand ..

Nandini smiled and left the room ..


Nandini know the village she had stayed with her mother and now along with that she have to go in search of other villages around that place to look for the keys ..

The main thing in her mind now is ..
She doesn't want anyone to get in danger because of her so she don't want any one to come with her ..
She is secretive and hided the thing with the remaining three ..

She silently joined in the practice with the others and as usual leo is giving practice to nandini ..
But now she is stronger than before ..

Nandini (inner voice): that village is so far from here ..and also I don't know how many other villages are present there...should I make a small list of what I have and what should I search for ..
leo observed that nandini is lost in thoughts

Leon: nandini ..he called and she didn't respond ..
So he shouted again with a large voice and the other three turned towards her and nandini also came to reality

Leon : what are you thinking so hardly ..concentrate ..he shouted ..
And nandini nodded her head

Manik observed that something is wrong with her..

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