Chapter 55

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As the animal slowly passed away they realized it was still daytime and that they were under its skin until now.


Manik sighed with relief.

Manik: I never thought I would ever look at any animal which is that huge.

Lucy: That is so scary!... her shoulders trembled a little remembering its eye.

Elexar: That's Abnet...

"Huh?" as everyone heard his voice. He came out of Nandini's shadow.

Manik: Abnet?

Elexar: It is written in this paper.

He spoke and showed it to them.

There is a drawing of that animal with its name. And had a small description.

"Abnet are herbivore animals that feed on grass. But they are extremely sensitive to human scent and fire. They are normally very calm and sleepy animals but when they get provoked they don't hesitate to smash them under their legs. The small horns on their nose are their weak point If you ever come across it attacking you."

Lucy: So, it won't eat us but will kill us either way if it sees us? Is that it?

Manik: Looks like it.

Nandini: Good thing is that the fire is so small that it didn't catch its attention.


She sighed.

Elexar: It's not night anymore so move, let's start walking.

Manik: YOU--

Manik raised his hand a little while elexar turned his back towards him but right at that moment he turned towards Manik.

Elexar: Nandini, tell your boyfriend to take care of his hand or I might chop it off...

He spoke and turned around again and started walking along with Nandini.

They crossed paths for a long distance with no landmark that they couldn't find if they were walking on the right path but they didn't stop either.

Soon the night fell and this time they made sure to look if it is night and they saw the moon in between the trees. A very faint sight but it was enough for them to know that it is night and they settled down again for a rest.

They made the fire very small because they didn't want unnecessary attraction from weird animals.

Everyone went their ways trying to find meat for the night but soon they got back with empty hands. They couldn't find a single animal that they can hunt. Not even fruits from any tree. All they see are large trees and grass.

If they ever come across a river, it is filled with acid so they couldn't even have a fill of water to drink.

That's when they understood that this forest is far weirder than it seems and the resources they have are now very valuable than any money. The water in each of their bags is the most valuable.

They ate the leftover meat from the afternoon which was stored by Lucy thinking it will be useful somehow and that helped them.

They sighed as they couldn't get their fill and slowly went to sleep with their rumbling stomach.

The sunlight flashed on their face just after a few hours. They got confused as they woke up to see the actual sun in the sky.

Manik: What's happening? I don't feel like I slept at all.His eyes say it all. It closing. And everyone agreed with his statement as they felt the same. 

2nd day, 

They started their journey again. One day without sleep and food didn't affect much on their journey and they were as good as yesterday. 

They soon found a large tree truck standing in the middle of the way they need to walk. 

They stopped and looked for a way to cross it but they couldn't find another way. They have to either trim it or burn it to ashes so they can walk past it. But burning is not an option. It will attract the animals in the forest which they don't know what else might be living there. 

Lucy: Wait... ajeel said he can create ice stairs. 

Elexar: Say that first... do it. 

He folded his hands and stood there glaring at Elexar. 

Elexar: What is that look? 

Elexar moved front towards Ajeel and lucy came in between them. 

Lucy: Ajeel, please do it. We can't waste time in this forest. We don't know what more dangers it possesses. Please. 

Her pleading face made him normal and he creature stairs of ice up and down the large tree trunk and they all passed the tree trunk easily. 

Elexar checked the map to see a cave upfront after they pass the large trunk but before they could reach it the night fell again. 

Manik: Isn't it just morning? how come it's night again? 

Everyone got confused. Although they feel like time is passing quickly the hunger they feel as if the time passed was real. The time is moving quickly yet gives a feel as they walked through the day. Which is draining their energy while making them hungry and tired.

Nandini: I am so thirsty. 

Manik and elexar both took out their water bottles and pushed toward Nandini. 

Elexar: She will take mine so keep your bottle inside, you might need it later. 

Manik: Keep on dreaming. He said with a smirk. 

They both quarreled pushing the bottles more and more and suddenly both of the water bottles fell down and half of the water fell on the ground. 

Nandini quickly picked it up and got very angry to see to have lost one bottle of water going to waste. 

Nandini: Do you know how precious is water for us now? ... She yelled. 

They both got quiet. 

Nandini: This place is weird. The day goes by quickly, the same goes for the night. But it gives a feeling like I DID stay or walk all day. I didn't see a single river with water till now and not a single animal that can be hunted for meat. The walk feels like forever and we are not reaching the destination yet. Everything we have now is so valuable so stop doing things like this and wasting the resources we have. We don't know how many days we have to do this. 

Her angry voice echoed. 

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