Chapter 59

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"This is interesting" he spoke and stopped the time. Ice dragon's powers were immeasurable. He always held powers higher than any normal dragon. His only competition was the fire dragon his brother. 

Ice dragon controls the mind and time. He has strength and knowledge. He possesses greater strength. 

He walked to the book and opened it to see its contents. He saw it as the ancient forbidden book for the revival of the dead and containing many more secrets related to this world. 

"Oh elexiar... a grave mistake you are about to commit. I will save time for you" He said and moved his hand and another book appeared in his hand which looked exactly like the real book. He flipped the pages of the fake book and everything is written in it but everything is fake and the wrong procedures. 

 "This is fun" He chuckled as he kept the original book inside his scales and went back to the top of the tree and started watching all the fun happening down there. 

He laughed hard when Manik was taken as the first hostage to give the sacrifice to the god. He enjoyed the screams of Manik. 

He finally came out when things got out of hand he finally came down to save them. 

(flashback end) 


Nandini: So the book... 

Ice dragon: It's fake

Nandini: Thank god... she sighed in relief. 

Ice Dragon: I have the original book. If you ever need it you can ask me. That is if you ever want to do the same thing as that kid intended to do

Nandini: My mother definitely wouldn't like that. Thank you for saying that but I don't need that book ever. Let that be disappear from this world just how it was until we brought it out. 

He patted Nandini's head and smiled at her. 

Manik: Here is the meat... Manik hunted a bag full of every animal that appeared to his eyes and handed it to him. 

Ice dragon: Not enough

Manik: You monster

Ice dragon: What? 

Manik: AH...that, sir all the meat in this forest was consumed by you, so let's leave here and eat all the meat available in this world too but first let's start with going out of this magical forest. 

"Easy" The ice dragon spoke and brought them out of the forest immediately. 

Manik: You can use teleportation? He asked surprised. 

Ice dragon: Who do you think I am? 

Manik: Then why did you never help us even when we are walking miles tired? 

Ice dragon: Why do I have to? He spoke and took a rabbit out of the bag and started eating it. 

Nandini: Guys, we forgot Ajeel and Lucy inside the forest. 

Ice dragon: AH.. damn can't you guys stay in one place? 

Nandini: But you are the one--

Ice dragon: I will go get them. 

Nandini: Oka--

He disappeared before she can complete her word. 

He appeared in the forest again and closed his eyes to detect a human presence and found the location. 



Lucy: I would never want to face something like this again. 

Ajeel: I can't say anything about that. Things happen and we can't stop them. 

Lucy: You are not considerate at all... for your girlfriend

He pulled her in for a hug hardly holding her hand. 

Ajeel: Is this considerate enough?

Lucy: Tighter. 

He hugged her more tightly. 

She slowly slides her hand up and down his back. Going to his hair slightly playing and again coming down to his back slowly making him slightly shiver. 

Ajeel: Are you doing this on purpose? 

Lucy: DO what? She evaded her eyes. 

He held her face by her chin and made her face him. She can see in his eyes directly. Her lips shivered a bit and she bit her lower lip to stop that feeling. 

Ajeel: When you bite that cherry lip of yours, you don't know what that does to me. Biting your lip work is mine. Don't steal my job. He pulled her closer to him holding her chin and placing a small kiss on her lip. 

He placed his thumb on her lower lip and made her part her mouth a little and quickly pushed his tongue inside her mouth while sucking her lips like that was the most delicious thing for him. He found her tongue and played with it until her leg started giving up. He held her by the waist and continued kissing aggressively and she got unable to breathe. 

Ice dragon: Am I disturbing your love birds? 

He suddenly appeared and Lucy's face became completely red and she hid herself in the shoulder of Ajeel. 

Ice dragon: I have seen more than this so don't need to be shy. Now come let's leave the forest. 


They all appeared out of the forest in front of Manik and Nandini who sat down waiting for them. 

Lucy's face was still red. She is holding Ajeel's hand tightly. 

Manik: DO you have a fever, Lucy?

She didn't reply. No one did. Nandini kind of understood what was happening and she chuckled a little. 

Manik: Why are you chuckling? 

Manik, who is a natural airhead sometimes didn't understand anything happening. 


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