Chapter 48

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Manik: We ran away that night. My wounds didn't heal. We reached a small clinic and took treatment there for a few months. Ajeel's vocal cords got damaged and he couldn't talk much after that day. We moved very very far using the money we stole from his house. We didn't turn back but that guilt is haunting me to this day. Ajeel lost his voice because of me. He can't speak a word without hurting himself. I should have those powers. I should've healed his wife. I should've saved Ajeel much earlier! these thoughts constantly haunt me even to this day but I am glad we are alive. I am glad we fought that day and I am glad that I didn't die because I got to meet you. 

He spoke and looked at Nandini who is crying a lot. 

Manik panicked looking at her. 

Manik: Whatever it is I am sorry... 

Nandini: That's not it! I didn't know you faced such horrible things. I wish I was with you ... She is crying.

Manik: What was that? He asked coving his face. That was so cute... he spoke controlling his smile. 

Nandini: Why are you laughing? She hit him on the shoulder. 

Manik: I am just happy... he said and he pulled her into a hug. 

Meanwhile, Ajeel saw all this from the corner of a tree and walked away from there silently with a small smile on his face. 

Lucy: Where did you go? She asked and got surprised to see Ajeel smiling. 

Lucy: Are we dying tomorrow? She asked looking at Ajeel and he patted her head softly.

Elexar, who has sensitive ears heard all this sitting in his place and chuckled a little. Meanwhile, the Ice dragon is munching on all the remaining meat with no other care in this world. 


The sun has risen and their journey began again. 

They soon reached the village. But the thing in front of them is just sand. 

Manik: Doesn't look like there is much here...

Manik spoke looking at the desert in front of him. 

Ice dragon: Are you doubting my abilities human? 

Manik: Well can't fight with a dog's nose so No. 

Ice Dragon: How dare you call me a dog. 

Lucy: There they go again. 

Lucy sighed. 

Elexar: I can smell a village. Elexar mumbled while Manik and Ice dragon are bickering. 

Elexar crouched down and touched the sand. 

Elexar: This is demonic sand. 

Ice dragon: See...I knew it! 

He said and turned into his dragon form. He blew on the sand and the whole sand flew away. A village was visible which is actually buried underneath the sand. 

Hatar is a deserted village. Which is actually covered with half sand. It was full of greenery and people before but one day a monster named Masob entered the village. He was a sand demon. He destroyed the village making the village drown in sand. The people ran away. 

Lucy: What exactly happened?

Elexar: It's a demon's work. 

Ice dragon: It doesn't smell like the demon I am searching so It's none of my business. 

Manik: Why did you actually come with us? To eat? 

Ice dragon: How dare a mere human to speak to a mighty dragon like this? DO you have a death wish? 

Lucy: Stop it! 

Elexar: let's just walk inside. 

They started exploring all the houses of the village and every crook of the houses are filled with sand. 

Nandini: Can you still smell the Key? She asked the Ice dragon. 

Ice dragon sniffed in the air. 

Ice dragon: There, it pointed towards a direction and everyone ran towards that side. 

They searched all places but found nothing. Meanwhile, 

Lucy: Something shined there...

Everyone looked at that side. 

There was a faint view of a demon who is completely covered with sand lying in a sleeping position and Nandini focused on him which made the Key visible. 

The key was stuck to his chain. 

Manik: Time for action huh? Manik rubbed his fists. 

Lucy: Should we wake him up first?

Elexar: He is powerful. I can feel it. 

Manik: So what? 

Manik created a fire ball and threw it at him which hit his face and he opened his eyes. The sand around him turned black with the fire. 

"How dare you" He mumbled. 

Lucy: Well congratulations on making him angry. 

He stood up and all the sand covered around him became fresh and formed a chair on which he sat down. 

"Who are you?" 

Manik: Give us the key. 

He didn't respond except glare. 

Ice dragon sat down at the back and started playing with the sand. Creating sand castles etc. 

Meanwhile, everyone got into their positions and tried to attack him while he separated every single person with a sand wall and created a clown using sand with each person. 

Lucy: Dang it! 

The main person is actually outside the wall and dares not disturb the dragon and sat quietly while all the others are actually fighting clowns. 

Ajeel broke the sand tower which got regenerated again. Manik fired the sand which again formed as new. 

He again created a hole and saw the dragon. 

"You stupid dragon what are you doing?" He yelled as the sand closed again. Their attacks are going inside the sand and it is reforming again only making them waste their energy. 

Manik understood what he have to do. He started attacking in the direction of the sky, again and again, creating a hole the fireballs traveled through the hole, and the sand castle of the dragon got destroyed and snapped. 

It glared at the only person standing in that place as the sand wall got regenerated again. 

"You destroyed my city" 

"Well, he was off use somehow" Manik chuckled as the dragon froze the demon and broke him into pieces in just a second and the sand walls disappeared. 

Nandini moved in front and picked up the key. 

She cut her finger a little and touched the key with blood and rotated it. 

"Open Scorpio gate" 

A person who is half-shaped like a Scorpio appeared. 

"Order master" 

Nandini: Welcome. 

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