chapter 15

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I woke up 4 in the morning and took a bath and adjusted my hair and went down from hostal ..
I walked a few seconds and found lucy sitting near a tree ..

I went near her and she stood up ..

She gestured as "shall we go ?"
I nodded my head ..

We reached there by 4:25 ..
And was waiting for manik ..and ajeel..
After a few minutes ..
Ajeel also came ..

Lucy : where is manik ..? ..the master planner
She asked ajeel ..

Ajeel gestured as he don't know ..

We waited for another 5 minutes
Now it's 4:35 ..
Still he is not here ..

Nandini : did he even wake up ? ..I asked ajeel irritatedly ..

He changed his expression ..
Like he was thinking something

Lucy : what happened ? ..lucy asked ajeel

Ajeel : he is not a morning person ..
He said seeing lucy

Nandini: what ? ..and he is the one who made a plan ..I said seriously looking at Lucy and ajeel ..

Lucy : I can help you ..
Take me to your dorm ..she said and ajeel nodded his head ..

We reached his dorm ..

Lucy : where is manik room she asked and ajeel showed a room pointing his fingers ..

Lucy kept her right hand pointing towards room
And a water flow went inside manik room and in a few seconds ..

Manik came out of the window and he was in the water barrier of lucy ..
After coming down she left it
And the water barrier disappeared and manik had fallen down ..
He was completely covered in water and shirtless ..

I rolled my eyes and saw him folding my hands ..

Manik: it's already 4 in the morning ?..he asked standing up

Lucy : no's just 4:45 AM ..
If we don't leave fast ..
There is no need to leave ..she said with a smile to him sarcastically ..

I laughed at her ..

Manik: let me grab my shirt ..he said and tried to go up ..

Lucy again caught him with her water barrier and kept him in his place ..

Manik: what ? ..
He asked ..

And again placed her hand towards manik room ..
And this time a shirt is inside her barrier ..

It was thrown at manik ..
It was completely wet

Manik made his one hand on fire and rotated the shirt on that hand ..
It dried and he wore it while we are running ..

It's 4:55 ..
We have to leave for us to catch them ..

We reached near to the entrence and hided back of a tree ..
As manik stopped us woth his hand. ..

We saw Ms.juli and Mr.walt ..coming out while Mr.walt is smoking and Ms.juli has a lolipop in her mouth ..
Mr.walt wore an open shirt with no buttons and Ms.juli is wearing a coat white colour long one ..

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