chapter 36

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After crying in Aquarius warmth he finally relaxed and the mansion in which they are in came back to normal

Everyone are so exhausted that they fallen down in the same place they are standing

"Between did you find a new owner ? Now you are with this kid ?"..he said pointing his finger to nandini

Aquarius slapped him on his head

"Idiot, she is Lara's daughter"..she said and he got shocked

His expression suddenly changed to excitement

"Oh my look how much you have grown ..the last time I know was you still in Lara's stomach

Now now my bride !!"..he said touching nandini cheeks
And pinching them ..
And everyone got shocked
And manik and Nandini were dumbfounded

Manik seperated him from nandini

"That's a weird way to put it and also we haven't heard what's the relation of this guy to nandini mom and what the hell is with this bride"..he asked with a slightly anger expression on his face

"Oh right ...i haven't told you my name yet ..
Hello kids except for my bride
I am Elexar..
I am an earth magic user
And relation between Lara and me is ..
She is kind of like my saviour"..he said with a small happy yet sad smile on his face .


On a new moon day ..
It was complete darkness around the place ..
Lara sitting in her home
Rubbing her belly a little heard slow moans ..

She got up and came outside
Started checking all over and finally as she got near the abandoned well
The sounds got more loud

She opened the lid and there was a kid fallen unconscious at the end of the dried well

"D.... don't... don'"..she heard

She took the Sagittarius key out

"Open the gate"..she said and the Sagittarius came out and was standing in the air

"Order master "..

"Bring him up"..she said

And he was brought to the land ..

She raised him in her arms and brought him back to her home ..

She laid him on her bed and removed his clothes ..
There are many wounds on his body

"Doesn't look like he slipped and feel
The lid was closed and sealed and the wounds on his body are completely given by a whip ..
What on earth happened to him"..she thought concernedly

He was shaking all over and his forehead was too much hot ..
She brought back cold water and a cloth
She nursed him all night
Changed his clothes and cleaned and dressed his wounds
And slowly slept beside him


The boy slowly opened his eyes and with the unfamiliar cealing on the top
He got up scared and saw Lara sleeping down keeping her head on the bed ..

With the movements of the bed
Lara woke up

"Great you woke up ..are you alright"..she asked touching his forehead

He got so scared and smacked Lara hand ..

"Don't be afraid are safe now ..
No one is gonna hurt you"..she said and tried to touch his head but stopped he flinched ..

"I don't know what happened to you but i mean no harm at all ..I ---"..before she can speak ..she heard his stomach growl sound ..

"I guess you are hungry ..wait let me cook something"..she said and got up from the ground struggling ..

She went inside and the boy got up and ran out of the house ..

He saw the house is a little far away from the village and there is deserted most of the places .

He started running and without knowing the directions ..
He reached the abandoned well unconsciously

He hid immediately as he heard some sound from the side ..

"He might be dead by this time right" man spoke

"Obviously, he was hit very badly and was thrown in her
He will be suffocated to death or die from the bleeding ..
Whatever it is we should his corpse back ..
He is a valuable item"..he said and opened the lid

"What where did he go ?...there is no way he escaped someone must have helped him ..
Go check all sides ..
The doctor will kill us if he found out ..
Go .."..they started searching all sides

The boy slowly started to move to run away from there

"There he is catch him" shouted

They both ran back of him ..

"We only  need his corpse ..
Kill him " shouted and the boy was so terrified that his feet started trembling as he was running ..

He was fallen down suddenly ..

They took a knife out and was about to stab him ..

"Aquarius"..Lara shouted and immediately
The both were flooded with a huge water wave ..

The boy saw a small tsunami infront of him ..
He was trembling all over ..

"Heh .. weaklings".. Aquarius mumbled looking at the two men

"You are fine's okay ..don't be afraid .."..Lara patted the boy head while hugging him ..

The boy suddenly started crying so loudly

"Geez stop".. Aquarius shouted and hit him on his head

The boy went back of Lara hiding ..

And suddenly threw a rock at Aquarius ..

That hit Aquarius on her face

"Hehehehe got a death wish huh ..."..she said and gave an evil laugh ..
The boy got so much scared and clenched on Lara dress ..

"Okay okay ..stop it you two ..."Lara said stopping them both

"Did it leave a bump? ...I have a date tonight".. Aquarius shouted ..

"No no look beautiful .."..

"Heh ..I already know that ..".. Aquarius said and went back to spiritual world ..

"Now ..should we go back home ? ..I bet you are hungry"..she said with a smile on her face widened her hand to him ..and waited for him to take it ..

He slowly touched her hand and Lara caught him ..

"Let's go"..she said and went back home

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