Chapter 44

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"Manik... Run" She screamed as she took a thick wooden stick in her one hand along with a knife in her other hand.

Manik who, for the first time, saw many people and also those people looking at him with their eyes full of hatred made him feel so scared that his legs started shaking.

Manik's mother stood in front of him and glared at the villagers.

"I won't let you hurt my son" She screamed.

"You, witch. You gave birth to a demon. What did you offer? Our village? " The village head spoke, looking at everyone, and she can see that everyone is agreeing with him.

They thought that manik's mother is a witch who offered the whole village to the demon to give birth to a demon. The village experiencing drought at that time made every accuse strong.

She clenched her teeth and finally yelled

"My son is not a monster. He is just a regular boy like every other person"

"Move" They Spoke angrily.

"I will not let you touch my son." She screamed as she swung the stick.

"She is a witch... We should kill her too" Everyone muttered.

They started throwing rocks and objects at her to let her throw the knife away.

She shielded Manik with her body and took all the wounds. The blood is dripping.

"Mother" Manik started crying.

She smiled at him softly.

"Don't be afraid, mother will protect you" She mumbled.

"Gyaaah" A person screamed as he charged to the front with a knife.

"Die! You witch!" He stabbed manik's mother.

"She is hurt...kill her!" Everyone started coming towards her.

She squeezed her wound and held manik's hand as she took a run.

The villager chased her. Her blood is flowing out a lot. Her head is spinning. She hid under small bushes after crossing the village. The villagers run past her as they didn't see her.

"Listen here Manik" She spoke, cupping his face in her hands.

"I am afraid mother can't move further." Her wound is deep, and she lost a lot of blood. She is feeling dizzy, and she knows that she can't make it.

"Don't say that, mother. It's all my fault" Manik's face is completely wet with his tears.

"It's not your fault, my darling. It is my fault to stay in that village even after I know the consequences. It's my fault that I stole your childhood, making you stay at home all the time. Everything is the mother's fault. You should not face the consequences of your mother's mistake. You should live. Furthermore, you should run otherwise, these people will kill you ...
Run as far as you can ...
Please live" Her red hair was like fire and her blood was like a sun setting... She held Manik's small hands ...and kissed them for the last time ...before pushing him away ...

Manik cried as he started running. He didn't look back. The only thought running through his mind is that HE NEEDS TO LIVE.

He ran away from there escaping the villager's grips. He soon reached a village, but he didn't stop. He ran for days with fear. He finally fainted in a small village of hunger.

"Mother" He mumbled as he fell unconscious.

He was ignored for a long time. He woke up soon, but his hunger is making him a week to even stand. He coiled himself on the edge of the street, begging for food. No one cared, and he loses all strength and weight for the next few days as he survived solely on water.

"Am I going to die?" He mumbled. His bones are showing on his skinny body. He is weak.

"Do you want to die?" He heard an unfamiliar voice.

He raised his head up to see a small boy standing in front of him. His white hair is unique. His clothes are messy and torn. He is also a kid who is living on the street just like Manik waiting for some food to be given to him.

"Who are you?" Manik growled at him while crawling back.

"Are you hungry?" He spoke, moving his head front showing Manik a piece of bread.

Manik crawled to him slowly

"Can I eat it?"

He nodded. Manik quickly snatched it from his hands and quickly started eating it.

"What's your name?" Manik asked.

He remained silent for a moment and then replied


They both started staying there together, crawling on the streets, and they became friends. They started sharing every food they found equally, and thus they both survived for a few more weeks with a lot of beatings from random people on the street. They used to sleep on the street.

Ajeel doesn't have a habit of talking much, but strangely Manik liked his presence. Quiet and peaceful. A company that is making him forget the feeling of loneliness.

One day, After almost 2 years of still living on the street,

They were too hungry because it's been two days since they ate something.

"Now look at this unique pair of boys"

They both raised their heads up to look at a man who is standing in front of them in a suit with a hat. His blonde hair is shining a little. His eyes are deep black and he was tall.

They both looked at each other confused.

"Wanna come with me?" He asked, crouching down with a small smile on his face.

They glared at him. Living on the streets made them experience a lot of weird people and horrible experiences. They decided to not trust anyone other than each other.

"Woah, that look is adorable" He spoke, hugging them

"Don't touch us," Manik got angry as he pushed him away.

He took a small stick on the ground and stood in front of Ajeel shielding him.

"You want to hit me with that?"

He grabbed the stick from manik's hand quickly and threw it away.

"Kid, I don't want to hurt you both, alright? I will feed you and give you clothes along with a place to stay. A bed to sleep in. So, want to come with me?" He asked, moving his hand to the front.

"Piss off" Ajeel replied spitting on the ground

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