chapter 38

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"so that's how me and Lara ended up as a family"..he said with a smile ..

"But we still didn't hear the bride' story of yours "..manik asked angrily ..

"Ahh ..that .."..


Its been two months since Elexar started living with Lara ..
While learning every possible technique required for him ..
He became strong ..
But still never won a fight against Aquarius

"Between Lara ..what relationship do we have now ..I always call you Lara it kind of gives a far feel"..he said sadly ..

"I don't mind anything ..
How about you be brother to the child who will be born"..Lara said touching her stomach ..

"Brother ???...Lara I need a bride not a sister...
So your child will be my bride"..he said so proudly and Lara was so shocked that she couldn't say a word except burst out laughing ..

"Why are you laughing ".he asked angrily ..

"'s just what if it's a boy ?"..Lara asked curiously

"No it will be a girl "..he argued ..

"It's a what if?...what if it's a boy"..she said with a smirk ..

"I guess then he will be my bride too"..he said without even a hint of embarrassment ..

Lara laughed out loud again ..

"I see then you will be the groom of my child"..she said with a smile ..

"Even if something happens you should always stay with the child okay?"..she asked seriously ..

"Nothing will happen to you cause you are strong"..he said ignoring her ..

"You think so ?"..she asked with a chuckle ..


"I knew it will be a girl"...he asked and took nandini hand and kissed on it ..

"How are you my bride "..he asked looking at her ..
Nandini was so shocked that no word is coming out of her mouth ..

"She is fine"..manik said slapping on his hand which was holding nandini hand

"Between who are you , you have been interfering my quality time with my bride for a long time ..
Are you by any chance --"..he stopped looking doubtly at them ..

Manik and Nandini are both so anxious ..

"Her brother ?---he said and they both got shocked again ..
I thought it's only child ..
Am I wrong ?"..he asked coming near to nandini face ..

"I am not her brother ---he said and flicked on Elexar forehead..
I am..he said and stopped ..
Nandini was looking at him so curiously ..
She wants him to complete that sentence ..

"We ..we should go out ..and clear the mess you made ..
The water and the village issues .."..manik said so fastly and turned his face aside from nandini ..

Magic academy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora