Chapter 53

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(Kiba forest)

"KIBA forest?"


(Explain) He asked angrily.


(The book is inside the Kiba forest.)


(Tell me everything if you want to live)


The tribe man gave a clear explanation and route map drawn of how to reach it and handed it to Elexar.


(great) Elexar spoke and choked the tribe man with his dark rope.

Nandini: STOP!!...she screamed.

Elexar: Aren't you the guys who wanted to kill them before because they are a threat to mankind? I am doing as you guys want

Manik: STOP it, you bastard. He yelled angrily.

Elexar: Shut up your pest... She said, squeezing his body with the black rope surrounding him and stopping their movement.

Nandini: You got the book right. You got the location, so I will ... I will help you, so please leave him. Let him live!

She cried.

Elexar: Sounds like a good deal. Elexar spoke with a smile and left him.

"^%$& Nandini ^%$"

(You were lucky because my Nandini said to leave you)

He immediately ran away. Wobbling and coughing.

He left every person except Nandini pulling her close to his grip and catching her in his arms.

Lucy: Nandini!

Manik: Leave her!!!!!

She stared at him with pure disgust in her eyes.

Elexar: Please don't look at me like that. I will just think that LARA is more important to me than you.

Nandini: My mom will hate you.

Elexar: She is the one who saved my life, so what's wrong with me trying to save her?

Nandini: There is a line and dead people won't come alive. If they do, they are nothing more than a walking dead. A zombie! A pain!

A pure pain of not being able to die ever, while looking at all the people who die before her. You are just making her face hell by doing what you are doing.

Elexar: SHUT UP! ... One more word from your mouth and I will forget that you are Lara's daughter. That threat was enough for her to remain calm.

Her keys can't work automatically, and her hands are tied. Manik and others don't have any choice because he can kill them anytime.

And the dragon is nowhere to be seen from the start.

Their journey to Kiba forest began.

Kiba forest, a forest of fairies. As good and pure as it sounds, it doesn't like that at all.

The forest contains monster roots that pull any human who touches them inside the ground and chokes them until they die and eat their body as a protein to its roots.

The fairies are monsters. Sharp teeth. Small body, dark wings, and blue horns. They say they are MANA eaters. The forest is a magical one with different kinds of creatures curiously and patiently waiting to get a hum into their web and Nandini, elexar, Manik, Lucy, and ajeel are walking to it right now.


As they reached the front of the forest, there is a black fog covering the front entrance. This is the first time anyone of them visited this forest and the first time anyone of them has seen a black fog.

They all walked inside, walking through the black fog.

The forest was brimming with shiny objects. They are practically shining and blinding their eyes.

The trees are extremely dark red colored and the roots are covered to all the places on the ground. Honestly, not touching them while walking is hard, but they have to walk inside according to the map he drew.

Elexar: Don't make a mistake

A small sound of someone stepping on something was heard by everyone.

Lucy stepped on a tree root.

The root raised up to the ground while the ground shook, and it quickly surrounded Lucy's legs

Lucy: AHhhhhh! She screamed.

But before, the root pulls Lucy inside the ground. Elexar, ajeel, and Manik attacked at the same time which burned the tree root completely turning it into ash.

Lucy's eyes filled with tears. She hugged Ajeel tightly, and he slowly patted her head, hugging her back.

Elexar: Let's walk further.


The forest has many weird creatures and monster plants that can cut their hands and legs off with a small bite of their strong teeth looking like thorns.

They stayed as far away from the edges, not touching anything.

Manik: Why are we silently following him?

Ajeel: He has Nandini as a hostage.

Manik: Lets all attack together.

Ajeel: That will put Nandini in a tough spot. He spoke while slowly rubbing his shoulders over Lucy hugging her from the side as they walk. She got pretty shaken up because the roots also have the power of making them remember their memories.

Although it's only for an instant. Lucy's past is a trauma for her, making her tremble in fear. Ajeel understood that as he slowly started giving his warmth to her, showing she is on her own, and he is with her.

Manik: We should --

Elexar: Before you plan your stupid plans to waste your time, let me tell you that I have a very keen hearing for almost 3 km.

Manik: dang it!

Elexar: There must be a river to cross here according to the map. He spoke and looked up to actually see a river which is completely green colored but looked very clear like pure water.

That didn't look much deep, so he thought of going forward but just in case took a step back and picked up a rock from beside him on the ground, and threw it inside. The stone just disappeared, turning back.

The green liquid is not because of the water. That's not a water lake. That's an acid river just a step is enough to make their skin and bones melt into nothing. 


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