Chapter 63

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Amaha got dragged back to her room. She sat down on her bed keeping the most innocent face she could ever face her mother. 

"That doesn't work on me! Do you think I don't know your actions?" Her mother spoke angrily and she stopped acting. 

"I told you I lost something!" 

"And so what?" 

"And I found it because I went back to get it. Otherwise, they would've been gone" 

"Stop arguing with me always for stupid things and try listening to me at least once!" She yelled and Amaha went silent because all her mind was wandering around those keys right now! 

"If I once again find out that you leave this room, this time I will break your legs and give a permanent rest to your legs" She spoke angrily as she left the room slamming the door. 

Amaha walked to the door and placed her face on the door such that her ears were stuck to the door hearing the outside noise... 

"Never once neither the father nor the daughter listen to me. Like an idiot, I always have to shout always!!" 

She heard her mother still bickering but now she knew that she was a little far away from her room with the volume of sound decreasing. 

She came back to her bed and sat down on it taking the key pouch out of her dress... 

She turned the pouch upside down throwing all the keys on her bed. The sand on the keys fell on her bed. 

Holding the keys in her hand and dress she pushed all the sand down her bed. 

She placed the keys once again on her bed one by one after dusting them. 

She saw the key that turned into a half-human the previous day lying on the corner...she took it in her hands and started looking at it from all directions keeping it very close to her eye...

"It does look a little different from a normal key but how the hell did a person come out of this key?" 

She placed the key once again on the bed folding her hands and looking at it with more concentration... 

"Come out" she spoke and looked in all directions and there was no one in the room. 

"Yesterday's man come out!" Again she looked in all directions and still no one... 

"Just how the hell did you come out yesterday!" 

"Should I say something like I summon you? but I don't even know your name!" 

"I summon you!" And still nothing... 

"First I should try to remember all the events that happened yesterday...I found these keys... I ran to the tunnel and the water rushed in... I asked if someone could come help me and then that strange guy appeared" 

"Just as I thought...I remember nothing" 


"I wish there was some door, so I could open it with this key and go out,"  a dialogue that I had forgotten flashed in my brain by itself.... 

"Open the gate?"

"Order master?" He once again appeared in front of her. 

"The hell!!! That worked????" 

"Yes, master!" 


Amaha sat on her bed legs folding along with her hands while the half-human was standing in front of her...

"Now explain! what's all this? Who are you?" 

"I am Pisces key"

"Pisces? As in the Zodiac sign?" 

"Yes master" 

"Clearly explain clear" 

" We don't know our origin master... we just know that we exist to serve our master!" 


"We are celestial wizards... that means the power of 12 zodiac signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.)will be in the hands of our master. Every key has to be linked to the master by a drop of our master's blood and loyalty continues for as long as our master lives following every instruction our master gives"

"So, now that master is..."

"My master is you... as you have all the 12 keys with you now. You can blood link every key making them yours but ... summoning of 3 keys will be a limit at once... A summon takes 1/3rd of your body energy along with a little blood for every key so it is wise to link 3 keys per day, master!" 

"Means you will be linked to me as in the form of a slave?" 

"If that's what y master wishes?" 

"I see..." 

"Tell me... how did you end up at the shore and what curse you were talking about when you first appeared in front of me!" 

"1000 years ago, while the world was ruled by a saint being a god of the kingdoms...we 12 zodiac signs are free souls... we are bound as one but not bounded inside the celestial world... we work for whoever opens our key first without any word accepting our masters truly with our hearts. But one day Lady Saint Veronica, who was at that time treated as a goddess came upon earth to save the kingdom...said that we 12 zodiac signs are born to destroy the world and kill the people of the kingdom. As she is a saint everyone believed her no matter how many times we tried to explain and as a result they asked the saintess to help them get rid of us. The saint imprisoned us in our own world with her power and gave us a curse that 

'Blood spilled blood opened. Serving one master serving only good. Bloodthirsty blood open" 

"Then we didn't understand the words of hers but when you touched the key with your blood then only we realised. She wrote it as we are thirsty for blood. only a blood link is needed to be summoned and only that will keep us loyal to our master and one master. hence, now you are MY master and I will serve you will my utmost loyalty master. Just order!" 

"Everything is so confusing!" She kept her palm on her face sighing..

"You need blood every time? And how much power are you talking about? Why should I not believe that the saintess was speaking the truth? How can I trust that you guys will not hurt me? And how do you want me to trust that everything you said was truth?" 

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