Chapter 61

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Nandini: According to you, how many more miles are there for us to reach the Capricorn key? Nandini asked while looking at the basic map they carry all the time.

Ice dragon: Hmm... Around 4 miles north of here. He spoke, munching down a pile of meat without even chewing.

Nandini placed the map on the ground from her hand and everyone looked at it.

She saw the direction and calculated the miles to be calculated on the map and finally at the end of it she saw a village.

Nandini: A village again?

Manik: What village?

Nandini: Wigun

Lucy: Wigun?

Nandini: That's the village's name, but why is there a cross mark on the map?

Lucy: Cross mark? Does that mean the village is not there now?

Nandini: Do you know? She asked looking at the ice dragon, and he nodded No while casually eating his meat, not caring much about it.

Manik: We will know if we go there. This lizard said that the energy of the key is coming from that direction only, so let's go and see. We have to travel in the same direction anyway.

Nandini: But what if there is some danger there, and we walk right into it without knowing anything?

Ajeel: And...did we ever stop because there was some danger at the end of us?

Nandini: It is different before. We are all fighting to increase our powers, but now we are solely fighting for the keys and my mission.

Lucy: Here we go again! Do we have to give you a motivational speech, and we will be with you wherever you go because we are friends every single time we are walking into some danger? Can't you just trust our decisions, just as we do yours?

Nandini remained silent for a moment and spoke.

Nandini: You are right. I am sorry! I just--

Manik: Nandini, it will be fine. Stop worrying. We are a lot stronger than before and don't you think the hurdle is increasing for every key we are increasing our abilities along with the difficulty level increasing. And also we have the strongest lizard with us, don't we?

Ice dragon: Why have you been calling me a Lizard for some time now?

Manik: Well, aren't you one?

Ice Dragon: Do you want to go hunting again?

Manik: I would rather hunt you!

Ice Dragon: The nerve of this human... He chuckled.

Lucy: Yeah, everything feels so common. Let's just go, we have so much distance to travel anyway.

Ajeel and Nandini and Ajeel started walking in the north as Manik and the Ice Dragon were involved in their daily bickering just as usual.

The night fell quickly just as they started walking, asking every person coming their way about the village Wigun.

But whoever they ask, all they could hear was there was never a village by that name.

Nandini: I am just so confused.

Lucy: What's so confusing in this? This is a map given to us in the magic academy, which means it contains more information about the lands and the danger that awaits us than any local person. I don't know what that cross mark means on the map but if any local person is not being able to even recognize the name of the village that means either there is no village there or some secret we don't know lies under there along with the Capricorn key of yours.

Ice dragon: I can still feel the energy of the key, and it is stronger than before.

Manik: It's dark already.

They all walked around a mile from the original distance and decided to camp out there for the night.

They are presently standing in a deserted place with no person around for miles. The villages they crossed are a long way back and for the next few miles except their destination Village Wigun, they are no other villages. They purchased the required necessities in the last village they crossed, and the Ice Dragon Magic forest can be available for hunting all the time.

Manik Quickly started the fire with his Firepower and Everyone sat down near the fire, warming up themselves. Ice dragons still have a lot of leftover meat that was hunted by Manik, but they all know that it is not enough for the Ice dragon, so they have to hunt for the food they need.

As they all looked at the Ice dragon.

Ice dragon: I need rest. He spoke as he threw all the meat in his hands and went into his magical forest alone.

Manik: Wow, I didn't expect this from that Lizard. He spoke as he took the meat and they started cooking it.

Nandini: Why do you call it a lizard? It is the Ice Dragon. The most powerful dragon that even the tribes in the forest backed off. She asked curiously.

Manik: I know. Keeping it aside, you told me you will tell me about the Capricorn key and its curse.

Nandini: Yes!

As they all finished eating. Nandini and Manik went on a walk while Lucy and Ajeel stayed back staying watch.

Nandini: I was thinking there are only 2 powerful celestial keys, but just today I learned that there are 3 keys. The Capricorn key is actually the most powerful key than any other. Even more powerful than the Leon key. But according to the Ice Dragon and also the book. The Capricorn key got cursed and half of its powers were taken away from him.



More than 10,000 years back a woman named Amaha, the daughter of the head of the fisher clan, the next head of the Island Iriso found a pouch at the shore of the sea while trying to fish by herself looking at her father from afar. As a curious person by nature. She took the pouch and without opening it she ran to a small tunnel in which there is a small channel of seawater flowing inside, and the tide increased over time.

She ran inside quickly, and she fell by the greasy land and scrapped her hand slightly bleeding. Still ignoring it, she opened the pouch and saw a set of 12 keys.

It was unique, and every key have a different shape. She got mesmerized. Her eyes were glowing with her discovery. She was being proud of thinking her father for praising her in between the village for her unique finding from the sea. And as she was lost in her thoughts, suddenly the water tide increased, and before she knew it. The entrance to the tunnel got half submerged.




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