Chapter 50

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Well, No questions were asked. I don't know if I am glad or disappointed. I guess it a good thing you guys are understanding the story then. 

Going to the story then.


"The village called Irced' which solely depends on hunters was attacked by a string demon a few months back. We don't know what happened, but the village was taken over by that demon, and the Irced village people are asking for help from wizards."


Nandini woke up and it is still too dark. She dreamt of Elexar words as she woke up and she somehow doesn't get a good feeling about it. 

The sun has yet to raise. She saw that Manik was sleeping deeply beside her. She slowly pecked his forehead and suddenly she heard a rustling sound. 

She flinched as she turned towards it. She saw all sides but she saw nothing. 

Nandini: must be an animal right? ... she mumbled. 

She tried to lie down again because it was too early but the rustling sound of the bushes is heard again. 

She woke up quickly and walked to the side where the sound is being heard. 

She quickly pushed the bushes away and found none. 

Nandini: What was that?... she mumbled. 

She turned back but suddenly someone closed her mouth and pulled her back. 



Manik woke up with the sunlight falling on his face. 

He woke and stretched his arms. 

Manik: hmm... Good morning. He said and turned to his side and not found Nandini there. 

Manik: Nandini?... He searched all sides. 

He stood up and walked all sides yelling her name meanwhile all the others woke up. 

Lucy: What happened? 

Ice dragon: Why are you yelling so early in the morning?

Ajeel: Did something happen? 

Elexar: Is Nandini missing? 

Everyone looked at Elexar. 

Manik: How do you know that? ... 

Manik asked walking towards Elexar. His eyes have a death aura and he is super pissed. His eyes scared Lily so she flinched and moved toward Ajeel. 

Elexar: I am sorry, I lied. 

Manik: LIED? 

Manik's face looks so scary. 

Elexar: This forest. I wanted to deliberately come here. 

Lucy: Why?

Elexar: This is a forest full of man-eaters. 

Lucy: Ma--man eaters??? And you bought us here? 

Elexar: I was searching for an ancient book called  Zuni even before I came across your group. Meeting Lara's daughter was a coincidence but my plan to come here didn't change. I knew that they will kidnap someone and I thought they will take someone vulnerable. But I didn't expect that to be Nandini.

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