chapter 21

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Ms.juli: let's do it ..she said and all took positions

Firstly walt moved in a speed where they cannot be able to follow him and created a lightning power to the edge of his sword and attacked him ..

The demon croutched down a little as it cut his body sharply
In that gap
Walt crrated a sand storm covering all eyes

The demon was stuck in between a sand bag
As he was trying to break through
Manik hit the sand with his fire

As he increased the heat
The sand started melting a little
Due to a large heat

Ms.juli: oh no
Ajeel freeze it quick

She said and as ajeel tried to freeze it
Demon already came out
Manik started attacking him with his fire at his neck

The demon suddenly started running towards manik and ajeel tried to freeze it but he broke even before a second completed

Juli applied the pressure to his legs making him unable to move and Walt moved and stabbed him ..

But the demon wound closed after taking out the sword which shocked everyone ..

Ms.juli makes the demon to stop ising her mind power for a second

And in that gap nandini moved but the demon saw it and attacked her with his hand
For which nandini flew and had fallen down ..
She didn't get the speed she did before ..
That shocked her ..
What happened?
Why didn't I gain the speed like before ?
As she was thinking that ..

Lucy woke up ..
With coughing blood she stood up and entered into the battle ..

This time she became a little serious ..

She raised her hands and a large mountain of ocean wave structure figurine came inside ..
And struck the demon while all the others got covered by the barrier ..

Creating a large smoke
As the smoke gone away
They observed the demon stood still even after taking the attack directly

Ms.juli: these attacks won't work ..
We have to stab all his hearts and that way only he will die ..
She said and saw walt

Walt adjusted his power again and saw manik ..
Manik nodded his head and this time
They aimed directly to his second heart

They mixed the lightening along with fire power and a swirl happened and it struck him hardly this time
That he fallen down and coughed blood

They succeeded in stabbing the second heart ..

Meanwhile before he can get up ..
Ajeel and lucy mixed their powers ..

Forming a large sword of both water and ice creating a large strength and sended it to the demon direction but he stopped it with his hand
But as the power is large
His hand got cut

But immediately the hand got regenerated ..

Ms.juli took control over his brain in the mean time
And was controlling maximum attacks he is doing on the team
While giving pressure from the demons inside at the same time ..

Nandini stood up ..
And she thought " time to do my new power " ..

She kept her hands in cross position and turned them towards demon direction and rotated the hands in a circle manner ..

And a circle is formed around the demon with a red colour power
It was such a strength that all had fallen down as the power formed due to pressure

"Xiphos kamikaze"..she said and a large number of double edged sword fallen from the sky inside the red circle and stabbed the demon in all places
Fixing him to the ground

Everyone got shocked to see that power ..
The demon was sealed to the ground unable to move

The swords stabbed all the hearts
But still the demon moved but at the same time
Manik sttacked the swords making them hell heat
And before the demon could get up the swods got blasted a little and the demon disappeared ..

Ms.juli was about to fall feeling unconscious as she used too much of her brain power
But Walt caught her before falling

Nandini fallen down as this took more power than expected ..
But still she was happy that without using the keys she killed a demon ..
She sat on the ground with tears in her eyes ..

"Did you see that mother " she said to herself

Lucy is woobling
She is bleeding all over
She leaned on ajeel and he caught her and sat down ..

Manik was looking at nandini ..
And he smiled as he saw her relieved

Walt and Juli went near nandini

Walt: we are sorry that we are unable to save your mother ..
He sai ld sitting to her height

Juli: your mother is a great person ..
She is the second most powerfull wizard ..
Cause your father was the first
They will definitely be proud of you to be seen like this ..
She said patting nandini hair and nandini cried

Nandini: can I know what happened after you took the baby from me ..she asked desperately

Juli: you will be the first person to hold yourself in the baby form and save yourself
After you have disappeared ..
I placed the leon key in your hand which your mother gave me

I took you far away but I didn't want you to be in this wizards world ..
But you are the strongest wizards only child and your parents never want you to live a cowardly life so I brought you again to this magic academy ..
I named you and slowly distanced myself from you
As I don't want you to know about your parents death ..
I always watched you nandini ..
You have really grown into a fine women ..
She said and patted her head.

Walt: all the keys of hers are shattered during the fight and I picked up the Aquarius key
But the remaining keys are stolen by this demon
We found that he sold it away ..
You are the original owner of those keys ..

I want you to find all the keys and become more powerful wizard than your mother ..
He said and smiled

Ms.juli: by moving further you will hear a lot of great stories about your parents ...she said and lucy completely fainted other side

Among a others she is the one who got hurt most badly ..
They immediately moved inside the city looks for a infirmary

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