Chapter 66

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"Shall we search for a nearby library, master?" Pisces proposed, eager to explore.

"A library? What does that mean?" Amoha's curiosity shone through in her question.

"It's a haven of knowledge, master. We might find valuable information about the saintess there," the companion explained, the excitement of uncovering hidden truths lighting up their eyes.

"I want to see what a library is!" Amoha exclaimed, her excitement palpable. Her eagerness to explore this new place of knowledge was evident in her voice.

After seeking directions from friendly passersby, they eventually arrived at a local library. Though small, it was brimming with books, each shelf packed with knowledge and stories waiting to be explored.

As they entered the small library, it felt like stepping into a world of stories. The room wasn't huge, but it was bursting with books. Shelves lined the walls, reaching up high and filled with books of all sizes and colors. Some shelves were packed tightly, while others had a few books neatly arranged.

The air carried the scent of old paper and ink, making it feel cozy and familiar. Soft light streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the wooden tables and inviting chairs scattered around.

People sat quietly, some flipping through pages, others deep in conversation about the stories they'd found. Every corner seemed to hold a new adventure, and the chairs looked so comfy as if they were calling out to be sat in for hours of exploring those books.

Not giving them much stress, the library is filled with books about Saintess Veronica. 

"Let's see if there is any book about the final days of Saintess Veronica. I want to decode the meaning of her last words" Pisces spoke opening a book. 

Amoha was completely taken aback by what she saw in the library. Back on her island, there wasn't a single book around. She grew up learning only the basics - enough to read and write to help her dad with the fishing business. Her father wanted her to be a part of selling fish to other places nearby. So, she was taught just what she needed for that job. The idea of a library filled with books was something she never imagined she'd see.

She opened a book and started reading. 


Despite an hour of searching through the shelves, the only books they could lay hands on were filled with praises for Saintess Veronica. Pages after pages glorified her virtues and miracles, but details about her death remained elusive as if purposefully hidden within the confines of history's pages. The absence of any substantial information about the circumstances surrounding her passing left them empty-handed in their quest for answers.

Amoha, feeling weary from sifting through books, closed one with a sigh and glanced around the library. Her eyes fell upon an older person engrossed in reading at the reception. She approached him, noticing his aged appearance.

"Hello," she began, "we've come from far away. We saw a huge statue in the center of town."

The man looked up with a warm smile, "Ah, that's our beloved Saintess Veronica."

"Yes, we noticed her name at the base of the statue, but there's another inscription that left us puzzled. Do you happen to know what it means, sir?" Amoha inquired politely.

"This is a story my grandmother told me when I was a child," the elderly man began, his eyes reflecting distant memories. "She spoke of 12 celestial monsters, creatures who terrorized and harmed people, causing pain and death. They were the cruelest monsters in history. But Saintess Veronica bravely fought them. She managed to seal them away, saving our kingdoms. However, on her deathbed, she saw a prophecy. She said those 12 monsters would return and—"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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