Chapter 64

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"Then we didn't understand the words of hers but when you touched the key with your blood then only we realised. She wrote it as we are thirsty for blood. only a blood link is needed to be summoned and only that will keep us loyal to our master and one master. hence, now you are MY master and I will serve you with my utmost loyalty master. Just order!"

"Everything is so confusing!" She kept her palm on her face sighing..

"You need blood every time? And how much power are you talking about? Why should I not believe that the saintess was speaking the truth? How can I trust that you guys will not hurt me? And how do you want me to trust that everything you said was true?" 

"All you said is right. I am not even sure if I can prove all the things I told you." Pieces remembered a major detail as he was speaking.

"Master. The Saintness Veronica was like a god 1000 years ago and all 12 kingdoms which now might've sorted into much larger countries or kingdoms would still be worshipping her. What is this place?"  He asked looking around. 

"It's an island. My hometown is named Auroriana. It is so far from the kingdoms you are speaking of. The people here never left this island let alone saw any land other than this island" 

"Come with me, master! I can prove it to you. I am pieces. Water is my birthplace. I will bring you back home before sunset" He pleaded

"No! I can't even leave this room. Let alone leave this island and also what trust do I have in you people to come along with you to a place I have never seen" 

"Please master. You are the master who broke our curse after 1000 years because of the blood curse we are bound to you until death. We are loyal. We can't go anywhere except be at the feet of our master" He Got on his knees and pleaded. 

Amaha thought about it a little and considered the fact that she had never seen outside the island and she was curious about the outside world also if what he said was true she got herself the most powerful people and not just one but 12 and also she saw with her own eyes that she broke the curse with her blood so she was going more to listening to him than not trusting him. 

"Alright! Take me out of this island and promise to bring me back safely to my home"

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you master" H promised on the keys and bowed in front of her. 

"Amaha? What are you doing?" Amahea heard her mother's voice outside her door. 

"Hide" She yelled at the pisces and hopped on her bed covering herself with a blanket to her face. 

The pieces immediately became like slime and stuck to the roof in seconds before her mother opened the door. 

Amaha's mother opened the door and saw Amaha sleeping on the bed. She looked all around and closed the door silently. 

Pisces jumped down immediately and Amaha got up from her bed. 

"What about Mom? she would kill me if she knew I went out" 

"I have a solution for that master would you like to listen?"


A few minutes later, 

"Wow, that's awesome!! you can make a duplicate that looks the same as me that easily!! you are awesome!"

"We shall leave before the sun rises tomorrow morning. I don't know how far those kingdoms are from here so as early as possible. Now if your work with me is done you can ask me to leave so I can leave master"

"Alright. you can leave" she said and pieces went into the key and the key fell to the ground. 


Amaha woke up as early as possible and summoned Pisces. 

"Shall we go, master?" He asked after making a duplicate of Amaha with water and made her lie down on the bed.

They silently left the house while Pisces controlled the sound of their moments covering their parent's room with a water shield. 

"Finally! I am out! yay" She yelled loudly 

Pisces looked at the sea and rotated his hands in a way as if he was bringing the water to one place and made a small boat out of the water. 

"Hop on master" He spoke 

"Okay" She sat down and Pisces followed his master. 

"What are the names of the kingdoms?" Amoha asked. 

"Now it might've been changed but at that time they used to be Valoria, Dracoria, Celestoria, Arkania, Solantia, Elysium, Mythoria, Eldoria, Novaria, Astoria, Seraphia, Imperium Aeternum."

"Oh, I know some names in that...Eldoria, Solantia, Dracoria, and Arkania. In fact, the nearest kingdom to here is Solantia." she spoke excitedly 

"Let's go to kingdom Solantia first" 

"How is kingdom Solantia in the past?" 

"Hm...I have only been twice to that kingdom but as far as I saw Kingdom Solantia is a land bathed in perpetual sunlight, nestled amidst rolling golden fields and vibrant, blossoming orchards. Its capital, Radiance City, stands as a beacon of architectural marvels, with spires reaching skyward like sunlit fingers. The kingdom is revered for its intricate network of sun gardens, where exotic flora thrive under the constant, warm embrace of the sun.

Solantia is ruled by a line of benevolent monarchs known for their wisdom and their connection to celestial powers. The kingdom's society is built upon principles of harmony and creativity, fostering a culture that celebrates art, music, and the pursuit of knowledge. Scholars from across the realms are drawn to the prestigious Solarium Academy, renowned for its teachings in astronomy, alchemy, and the esoteric arts." 

"You observed that much only in the two times you saw that kingdom? that's surprising

"I have a great observation skills master thank you" 

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