chapter 1

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(opening a diary...
Which contains a name on the first page...

That is Nandini
She started writing)

This world is filled with magic...
Wizards are fighting against the most powerful and evil wizards who seek to bring this world to its knees...
To make all the people into their slaves.

And here is my town, which is a very small one.
Hardly consisting of 1000 people.
It takes just two hours to walk the entire town.
But this town is always calm.
Except for some situations.
But it was solved easily by the strongest wizards of the east who are present here...
Who is born and trained here...

Our master for the entire town is Master seven, the head of the wizards.
He is 60 years old, but still fights like a psycho when it comes to this town.
We all are known as a family.
His family...

But these warriors, these wizards are not enough to fight for the world.
To fight for their lives...

To fight for everything that is important to them and to save them.

Still, there need to be a lot of wizards ...cause there was born the hardest and darkest wizard in history.

About him, I don't know much, but...
The only thing I know is that
He is bad for humanity...
As he is the strongest dark wizard.
The guild in the town ...that is all the wizards and the master decided to establish an academy...
That is Magic academy

That is my school...
I am an orphan...
Before I could understand what the others speak and what is going on around me...
I was brought to this academy. 

(She is writing all this in her diary sitting near the window ...on her study table in the dorm at the night)

From a small age ...all the children in the town are brought to this academy.
Every student has to stay in the dorm.
And every student has to train until they were unable to move a finger.
Until you get expertise in the world of magic, you cannot leave this academy.

But the thing no one knows, including me, is...
This key.

(She thought and opened her hand...
It was a key with a wing attached at the end... On both sides)

This key was there with me even before I started sensing things around me that are a very long time.
I don't know how I got it ...or don't know ...
What does it belong to?

I don't know. But it became like my family.

It is like my life... I cannot lose it now...

I am 18 years now.
All the children up to 18 years ...will be taught self-defense and resistance to the powerful attacks against them.
So to test, how much can they withdraw and how much can they stand if the opposite attack...
Although I am still not that great at it.
And just for the first attack, I always fall down and all the energy in me will be drained...
My grades are very bad in resistance.

But from tomorrow... I have to take original magic lessons...
I thought I should have more friends
And I succeeded in that up to now...
Because I have friends in this dorm...
But tomorrow all the students will be dispersed, and the classes will be changed.
And I have to see and speak and stay with new members.

I am the weakest wizard till now, but I don't want to lose hope...
I will learn the hardest, keeping all my efforts in there, and become one of the best wizards on whom people can depend...
From tomorrow, my actual training and strength and magic are all I will see...
I am so excited that... I am unable to sleep...

(She closed the diary and went and sat near the window and was seeing the clear moon and without knowing she drowned into sleep like that)

I am sorry that the chapter is small...
Cause the main story will start in the next episode...
So it had to be small...

This is a different storyline.
I am trying for the first time.
I will do my best to make it awesome.
So please do read it...

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