Chapter 62

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She was lost in her thoughts, suddenly the water tide increased, and before she knew it. The entrance to the tunnel got half submerged.

"Oh no, I need to leave now" She tried to get in the water to swim out, but the tides were too strong, and she got pushed back. She couldn't go inside the water either because the water is filled with sharp stones, one misstep, and she will get stabbed by those leaving her to get hurt very severely which can never let her come out.

Presently, she is standing on a small land that is covered with water quickly.

She held the key bag tightly and a huge wave suddenly hardly hit that she fell down and so all the keys in her hand on her hand. She quickly picked up the keys while crying.

"Someone please help" she cried loudly

"Daddy, please help me" She sat down on the small ground still crying and all the unique keys in her hand.

She saw them in the shape of keys.

"I wish there is some door, so I could open it with this key and go out," She said, and her blood which is on her hand because she scrapped her hand while falling touched the Pisces key.

Suddenly, a large black hole appeared in front of her and a person appeared. He has a fishtail on the down part of his body and the upper part was a human.

"Order, master!" HE bowed in front of her.

Her silent voice suddenly gave the loudest scream she can ever do.

"Help! Help! There is some weird person here. Help!"

"Master, master... I won't hurt you. I won't"

"Please, someone help!!"

"Master, please listen to me"

"Someone help!!!!!!"


The person sighed and stopped and looked all sides, he saw the water was filling the tunnel slowly. He took a wand out of the air suddenly and touched the water with it, and the water flow came into the tunnel stopped.

Amaha got so shocked that not one word came out of her mouth.

"Master, I am Pisces, thank you for releasing me from our 1000 years of curse" He bowed again.


"Yes, master. Now I am your slave"

"Then, can you please get me out of here?"

"Yes master" He suddenly turned into a large oyster

"You can sit inside me, master"

She got so confused, but she doesn't have another option at that point except to trust that stranger offering help.

He closed the lid as soon as she went inside.

"Hey!! Open it. Please don't eat me!" She started screaming.

"I won't master. I am going to complete your command to help you now. Please trust me" He said and she with her shaky hands sat down, still feeling conflicted about it.

She felt moving and she started trembling. She does not in one percent is trusting him.

Suddenly, every sound and movement stopped. She slowly knocked on the shell from the inside.


The shell got opened, and she was near the shore again, where she found the keys.

"I finished your command master," He said and disappeared turning back into a key


Amaha didn't understand anything. While she was still confused about what just happened, she heard a voice in the middle.

It's her father screaming her name, searching for her.

"Father" he mumbled slowly, but he saw her in the meanwhile and ran to her.

"Amaha?" He got so angry, but he hugged her immediately as he saw her safe.

"Where have you been?" He asked

Meanwhile, her mother came running to them.

"Thank goodness you found her, honey. And you AMAHA!"

Her mother was so angry that she hit her back.

"I told you not to go to sea. You never listen to me. Come home. I will teach you a lesson"

Amaha was still in a shocked state that she is unable to reply to anything.

"Amaha?" Her father shook her, holding her shoulders and she gasped hard.

"Amaha!!" Her mother held her on her shoulders and quickly ran back home.

While the keys in her hand fell down in the same spot as she found it. Her eyes were fixated on it while she couldn't speak anything.

Amaha has a rare condition asthma which makes it hard to breathe and causes coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness. It was incurable and so her parents were extra protective of her, not letting her go near the beach or letting her do anything triggering her heaving breathing.


The next day,

Amaha woke up with so much energy and started running again. As she was about to go out of the house

"STOP!" her mother stood in front of her, blocking her view to the outside.

"Yes, mother?"

"You are not going anywhere," She said and held her hand, and put her to the bed again.

"But mother"

"No, but--"

"A thing of mine fell at the shore yesterday. I have to go pick it up"

"If it is by the shore. It might have swept into the sea by the heavy tides last night, so you probably won't find it. So, just stop arguing and sleep"

"I should check once to know if it is there or not right, Mother?"

"Will you stop arguing, or should I cut back your evening curfew of returning home?"

"Mother!!! That is not fair. I just want to get my things"

"Sleep silently. I will wake you up when it is lunchtime" She left Amaha's room while closing the door tightly

Amaha lay down on the bed thinking of ways to go out. She saw all directions in her home, and suddenly her eyes fell to the corner of the room.

The clay near the corner of the room fell off the last time when there was heavy wind and rain. Amaha's father temporarily closed it with normal sand so that no snake enters the home at night.

She went near it and started digging the sand out and finally, after 20 minutes of her struggle, she got out.

She immediately ran to the shore and started searching for the keys. After 30 minutes, she found the keys being separated from the pouch. She sat down and collected all the keys that fell on the sand. She started looking at them slowly, observing every key having a unique shape and size.

"How did that man come out from this yesterday? How can I call him again? How is this related?"

While all the questions ran inside her mind. She heard a loud yell.


Her furious mother was coming to her quickly with a stick in hand.

"Oh shit!"

She stood up and threw all the keys in her pouch quickly and kept them inside her dress.

"Neither you nor your father ever listen to my words. I told you not to go out----" She pulled Amaha by her hand back to her home.

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