Chapter 65

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"You observed that much only in the two times you saw that kingdom? that's surprising

"I have great observation skills master thank you"

As they sped toward the kingdom's outskirts, racing along the water, the scenery outside changed from the familiar cityscape to a calmer, more natural setting. But their journey hit a snag when they encountered Water Guards at the edge of the kingdom. These guards, dressed in their unique uniforms, signaled for them to halt before they could reach the port, checking the newcomers with a careful eye.

As the boat approached the port, its grandeur unfolded before them. The bustling harbor was a hive of activity, with numerous ships docking and departing, crates being loaded and unloaded, and sailors rushing about their duties. The air was tinged with the scent of salt and fish, carried by the gentle sea breeze that swept through the area.

"Who are you?" the coast guards stopped them from entering further.

"Sir, we're travelers," The Pisces responded swiftly.

Amoha, having never witnessed such a sight, was captivated by the sheer size and energy of the port. She marveled at the expanse of the water and the variety of vessels that dotted the harbor, some sleek and swift, others sturdy and laden with goods. The sheer scale of the operations left her in awe, her gaze flitting from one scene to another, taking in every detail with wonder.

"Show me your travel badge," the commanding officer ordered, accompanied by a group of individuals in matching coast officer uniforms.

Pisces swiftly conjured a badge with a flicker of magic, seemingly producing it from his pocket, and presented it to the officer, making it appear as though it had just been retrieved from his bag.

The coast guard examined it for 5 minutes before concluding it was real.

"Welcome to Solantia" He greeted giving them a way to go inside the town from the harbour. As they started walking inside Amoha's felt a surge of wonder mingled with anticipation. The kingdom stood as a testament to both grandeur and history. Towers soared to the sky, their tops disappearing into clouds, while intricate spires and domes adorned the skyline.

The city's walls were formidable, yet they bore carvings and ornate patterns that whispered of a rich heritage. The gates, embellished with symbols of strength and unity, welcomed visitors with an air of majesty.

Solantia's streets bustled with life and color. Market stalls adorned with vibrant fabrics and gleaming artifacts spilled out into the thoroughfares. The aroma of spices intertwined with the scent of freshly baked bread, filling the air with a tantalizing fragrance.

As the sun painted the kingdom in hues of gold, the architecture sparkled with a beauty that seemed both ancient and timeless. Amoha felt a sense of awe at the harmonious blend of tradition and modernity within Solantia's walls, each building telling its own story amidst the mosaic of the kingdom's rich history.

"This is beautiful," she whispered to herself, caught in the awe of the moment. Pisces smiled warmly as he glanced at her, sharing in her appreciation of the mesmerizing sight. As they proceeded further into the kingdom's depths, a colossal statue emerged before them, its towering presence captivating. Pisces halted abruptly at the sight of the statue, his voice trailing off as he uttered, "Veronica."

Amoha observed his expression before turning her gaze toward the statue. There was an inexplicable familiarity in its features, something that resonated within her.

The statue, standing tall at a towering height of a hundred feet, depicted the likeness of a saintly figure from a thousand years past. Carved from stone, its features bore an otherworldly serenity, evoking a sense of profound wisdom and benevolence.

The saint's face held a tranquil countenance, etched with delicate lines that portrayed both grace and resilience. Her eyes, carved with a sense of eternal vigilance, seemed to gaze into the far horizon, as though holding the weight of the world's worries.

Draped in intricate robes that cascaded down the statue's form, the saint's posture exuded an air of reverence and nobility. Her hands were sculpted in a gesture of kindness and bestowal, each finger meticulously detailed as if in a perpetual act of blessing.

The statue stood as a symbol of veneration and reverence, a testament to the saint's legacy that had endured through the ages, inspiring awe and devotion among those who beheld it. It was a tangible tribute to a spiritual icon, a silent guardian witnessing the passage of time.

 It was a tangible tribute to a spiritual icon, a silent guardian witnessing the passage of time

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(Source: Google, It's from a game called GENSHIN IMPACT. It's a nice game for adventure lovers)

They see a writing on the bottom of the stone. Amoha starts reading it.

"I shall experience rebirth, my existence unbounded by mortality. When my return approaches, nature shall impart its sign. The Celestial keys, intertwined with my legacy across realms, must be safeguarded. I shall reemerge when the destined moment arrives."

In the sacred chamber where she communed with the divine, the revered saintess stood, surrounded by a radiant aura. Her final words, shrouded in enigmatic significance, echoed through the hallowed space. As the assembled disciples and witnesses looked on in awe, a sudden brilliance enveloped her figure, casting shimmering lights that danced like celestial flames. In the blink of an eye, she vanished, leaving only a lingering sense of reverence and a profound mystery that echoed within the hearts of those present.

"According to these, it's her final words and you are right. You are definitely related to her. Even in her last words, she was thinking about you; but, "The Celestial keys, intertwined with my legacy across realms, must be safeguarded" What does that mean?

Pisces remained silent for a moment, his eyes fixated on the ancient parchment bearing the saintess's cryptic message. When Amoha inquired, he looked up, his expression a blend of surprise and contemplation.

"It's... something significant," Pisces finally replied, carefully folding the parchment. "Her words suggest something profound, a prophecy or an invocation of sorts. It's said that her disappearance was tied to these words-whispers of her return when certain conditions are met."

Amoha leaned closer, intrigued by the mysterious nature of the saintess's final message.

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