Chapter 35: I Can Explain

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It has been two days since I spoke to Scarlett about the whole Lizzie situation which I have yet to decide how to handle it. I don't want to blow up at her if it can be avoided but I don't know what will happen once I see her. If I ever see her again...

I feel kisses all over my face as I slowly stir into consciousness opening my eyes. To my surprise I see Lizzie standing over me smiling like she did nothing wrong. I immediately feel angered and my chest starts to hurt just looking at her.

"Good morning beautiful! I missed you," she whispers and leans in for a kiss. As she is close to making contact I quickly put my finger across her lips stopping her in place.

"Y/n what are you doing?" She giggles. "I haven't seen you in a week and now you won't let me kiss you. Did you find someone else already?" She jokes and that ticks me off because that is exactly what I want to say to her, except with full seriousness.

I roll out of bed and throw on a hoodie before staring her in the eyes.

"Maybe I should be the one asking you that," I say sternly and walk out of my bedroom into the kitchen.

Lizzie POV-

I stood there frozen, not able to move and confused. Why is she blowing up at me? I follow her to the kitchen and stand beside the table watching her get a drink.

"Y/n, what do you mean by that? What did I do?! Please tell me!" I ask her, begging for an answer.

"How about what you didn't do! I didn't hear from you for days for god knows what reason! And on top of that, I had to read a hundred articles about how you have a "new man" while seeing photos of you looking like a couple with someone other than me! Oh and I called Scarlett to see if she heard from you because I was worried and you want to know what she said?" Y/n pauses and I stand speechless.

"Apparently you aren't filming in Vancouver right now and never have before. So what we're you doing there because it sure wasn't because of work! Try to explain that why don't you!" She yells and slams the cupboard door walking back into the bedroom. Again I run after her trying to talk face to face.

"Y/n wait! Please let me explain!" I plead but before I could catch her, the door slams in my face leaving us in two different rooms alone. I sit down against the door with my knees against my chest and my hands on my head.

God, I'm such an idiot. This is all my fault.


I stand on the other side of the door holding back my tears as I hear Lizzie whimper on the other side of the door. I am so angry and confused. I feel bad for yelling at her and I tried not to but I can't control myself. I don't want to make her upset and a part of me just wants to open the door and hug her, but the other part is kind of glad that she's upset because that's exactly how I feel right now.

I sit on my bed contemplating what to do next as I calm down. I don't hear Lizzie anymore which is a bit worrying but I'm sure she's fine. This is not how I thought being reunited with Lizzie would go.


An hour later I hear movement again. I hear Lizzie's footsteps approaching the door and I wait patiently not moving a muscle.

"Y/n. Can you open the door, please? I just want to explain everything to you. Please, just open the door." She pleads.

As much as I don't want to, I owe her the chance to explain, so I unlock the door and sit back on the bed.
She opens it and walks in holding a couple of bags and a coffee from my favourite coffee shop.

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