Chapter 49

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He did not end up seeing Professor Dumbledore for weeks

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He did not end up seeing Professor Dumbledore for weeks. The Headmaster had been unable to see him until it final exams were over, and the Third Task was only days away. It had been setting him on edge, and his dream had only grown worse as time went on. Nathan Jones' continued screams and endless pleading were the only thing he heard now. Finally he was allowed up to his headmaster's office, the large eagle twisted and allowed him up the staircase after he's spoken the proper password.

He could hear the echoed conversation that came from the large office. He recognized the Minister's name as Dumbledore's angered voice echoed into the hallway.

"A man has died here Fudge. And he won't be the last!" Professor Dumbledore hissed out. "You must take action!"

"I will not!" Minister Fudge responded. Harry creeped closer to the door as quietly as he could. "In times like these, the Wizarding World looks to its leaders for strength, Dumbledore."

"Then for once show them some!"

"The Triwizard Tournament will not be canceled. I will not be seen as a coward."

"I true leader does what it right. No matter what others think." Dumbledore ground out. The eagle twisted and turned behind him again, and Harry startled at the sight of Pollux, putting a finger up to his lips to be quiet. Pollux furrowed his brows as he crept closer to stand beside Harry. Dumbledore continued speaking harshly. "Crouch has been found dead! One of your best Aurors is missing and-"

"What did you say?" Fudge could only focus on how the headmaster had offended him by telling him how to do his job. "What did you say to me?"

"Excuse me gentlemen," Professor Moody's voice surprised them. "It may interest you to know this conversation is no longer private." Moody's eyes swirled around to look back at the door and with a short wave of his wand, the door to the office opened. Pollux straightened up, trying to look like he wasn't listening in, but the way Harry was still leaning towards the door said otherwise.

"Sorry to interrupt." Pollux spoke. "Professor McGonagall said you wanted to see me, sir." He glanced down at Harry briefly before he joked. "I don't know why he's here."

But Pollux did know why. Harry's mind was echoing in his own head quite loudly today, his dreams had been bothering him again, only it had changed, though Pollux did not know in what way. It was difficult to ignore the thoughts of the Gryffindor beside him. Harry considered coming back later, but ultimately he'd stayed, seeing as this was the first time he'd been able to even make it up the stair of the tower to the Headmaster's office.

"Oh, Harry!" The Minister held his hands out in greeting. "Harry, how good to see you again."

"I can come back later, Professor." Harry offered politely. Dumbledore waved them inside anyways.

"Oh not necessary, Harry. The Minister and I are done." Dumbledore put his arm around the Minister as if they had been friendly the whole time, their argument forgotten for the moment. "Minister, you know Harry. I'd like to introduce you to one of my best students. Pollux Jones."

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