Chapter 30

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Liam opens the door and bows like a gentleman letting me in first, while his expressions shows how excited he was about my reaction to whatever was in that room. However, when I looked up from Liam's face all I saw was an empty blank room with a cracked wall and a huge jail cell with the door opened and tangled cuffs on the floor.

I stared down at Liam weirdly as he looked back up at me expecting something from me. But from my confused and frustrated face, he looked towards the room and his eyes shot wide open, but then he started smirking instead. As if he expected and unexpected this.


This per— demon is definitely confusing to predict...

"So... where are they?" I asked thinking he might have brought me to the wrong room, while slightly hoping that Cole and Sky actually silently escaped.

"Running away like rats in my territory," Liam said with his eyes glowing a tint of gold as his yellow eyes sparkled and with a bright golden light he grabbed my hand, "Should we go catch some rats?" and then the world was covered in bright yellow light.

"BROTHER! Where are you running off to? To find your chick??" Liam shouted as I slowly opened my eyes in caution.

Across the hallway lit by a few candles across the walls I see Coles desperate golden eyes as he turns around and breathes in a sigh of relief as he eyed me up and down to see if I was ok.

"Maria, come here," Cole demanded

"Yeah, hon... I wish I could but unfortunately, your twin brother has his hands around my wrist VERY tightly." I proclaimed as I brought out Liam's hands around my wrist to light.


"SKY!" I shouted across the hallway trying to look for a small bluebird.

"MARIA" I hear Sky cry as I see a glimpse of a flying blue arrow flying full speed towards me.

"Sky... Slow dow–"

"OUCH!" I cried as Sky flew full speed onto my face nearly knocking me out.

"I TOL–" I stopped my scolding as I held small Sky in my hands full of burnt marks and crying.

"Aww Baby! What happened! Who did this to you!" I shouted as I checked if Sky was hurt anywhere else.

"Liam.... How dare you hurt my baby!" I glared at Liam so hard I could feel my eyes going back to the colour red again.

I ripped my arm out of Liam's grip and kicked him down there while making a run towards Cole because that demon is dam strong and it is not my time or place.

I grabbed Cole and was going to run out of the door

"I wouldn't open that if I was you," Liam's voice echoed behind me, "there are about 100,000 demons outside that door waiting for you."

I stopped my steps reaching my arm towards the door and turned around to face him. He was walking towards me like he was walking in a walkway, strutting towards Cole and me.

"I would much rather face 100,000 easy demons than a piece of trash like you," I spat at Liam. I then looked at Cole and Sky, and with their nod of approval, I pushed the door open and faced the 100,000 demons.

"Here goes nothing," Cole said sighing releasing his inner energy. I looked back at Liam staring at us with a smirk on his face as if he was going to watch a good show.

I turned away from his sharp face, looked towards the endless battle ahead and prepared myself.

I passed Cole an ice sword and he went first cutting a pathway through while Sky transformed back into a phoenix and flew across the Sky spitting out ice spears as I use magic to create an ice twin dagger and fought my way through.

"After we finish this, head towards the west, we will meet under the Ego Cafe," Cole said in a hurry as we slowly split further away from each other in the midst of black dust and blood.

"Hey, you b*tch!"

I looked up towards the sky to see where the voice came from and a sexy demon flew down in front of me. She was basically wearing the bare minimum showing off all her curves and thick makeup. Her brows were so bent and her eyes were literally glaring at me. If staring at someone could kill them then I would have been dead by this girl's stare.

"Who are you?" I asked with confusion, why is this demon girl confronting me...

"I'm the sole wife of Cole, How dare you steal my place!" She shouted

"Ok... Sole WiFe of Cole..." I said in confusion, "Did both parties agree to this so-called engagement?"

She hesitated for a bit and in a bit of an unsure and squeaky voice, "...Of Course..."

"That doesn't sound very convincing to me," I said preparing myself as I turn my twin daggers into twin swords

"You don't have to," She said as she flew towards me as her hand with long nails glowing red came towards my face, "You just need to be dead."

As fast as possible I blocked her attack my forming an ice shield around my face, while my other hand with one of the twin swords tried to stab through the demon girl's legs. She noticed it and dodged back up while sending a flying kick down again towards my ice shield this time with a little more inner demon power causing my shield to slightly crack. She is definitely slightly stronger than me when it comes to magic, but her martial arts are sloppy. I need to be careful and strategist. I will just have to use her powers against herself.

I can win this... 

I died and reincarnated on my birthdayWhere stories live. Discover now