Chapter 15

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"Everyone grab a wooden sword!" Ordered the Martial Art's Professor.

Nothing really happened for the past half a term, the school has been peaceful and only a few gossips popping up each term, but nothing that hurt anyone too much. This year all the Princes and Princesses are in one class for Martial Art's as we are needed to train separately (for some reason).

"Princess Maria you will be partnered up with Princess Ashley, Prince Cameron you will be partnered with Princess Muse, Prince Kerian partnered with Samuel and Princess Katherine can train with me, Now! Go train with your partners" the Professor voiced out distracting me from my inner thoughts.

Ash grabbed my arm and we found a spare space on the field and tried some techniques similar to Kendo.

I held my stick in one hand and waited for Ash is strike first as she pushed off the ground for a bigger momentum and striked towards my chest, I quickly moved the stick to a defense stance and used my free hand and aimed for Ash's hip, but missed as she jumped to the side and tried to strike again this time coming from above my head as I moved aside and slammed my stick down using both hands and hit Ash flying towards the other side.

"Maaarriii---, it's no fair Professor. Why can't Maria be paired with a boy, She's too strong for me" Ash cried as she struggled to stand back up.

The Professor just glanced at Ash and then glared at me as if to say for me to go easier, and then went back to training with Kat. While Kat gave me her angelic smile and a big thumbs up.

I walked up to Ash and said in an apologetic tone "Sorry for hitting so ha---"


"What was that?!" Ash shouted. I quickly lent my hand for Ash as I helped her stand up. I looked over to look at the Professor's reaction to see if it is normal, but he seemed to look worried.

"Quick! Princess Maria bring everyone back to the buildings where it is safe, and warn the other students outside along the way." Professor worriedly said "I'll go check the border"

But as we were about to put our wooden swords away, people covered in black clothing came flying out of the trees that I recognised as assassians. I yelled "EVERYBODY GET INSIDE TO THE BUILDINGS NOW!"

We all scrambled, holding Ash's hand we ran all the way to the safety of the building where there is a safely force around it. We were 100 metres away from the building door when a group of assassins stood right in front of the door not letting us in.

Using my ice element, I created a bow and arrow and shot some of them, but the assassins didn't seem to find it hurtful as they just kept attacking us.

'Are they zombies?'

'No their not Zombies, Either they are vampires, have really strong healing powers or just demons themselves, but they can't be demons as we killed them off a few 100 years ago.' Sky replied, 'Do you want me to come out and help you?'

'No, its fine, I think I can deal with my own kinds, thank you very much'

'ok, ok, Just trying to help'

I quickly changed my bow and arrow to swords and daggers as I cut swiftly one after another, with Ash opposite me trying to fight as well. But, no matter how many we kill and how much blood, whether it is our own or our enemies, we have on us the assassins just kept growing. I looked around while fighting, I found that Cam was trying to protect Muse, while she was trying not to burst into tears while using her light magic to protect herself and Kerian and Samuel are just trying to work together to live. But no matter where I looked I couldn't find Kat. Where did she go? Is she safe in the building right now? A feeling suddenly stund my heart a little bit.

After what seemed like forever the Professors came to help us and at the end the assassins retreated leaving not a single living one for us to toture to find who told them to come.





"Princess Kathrine"

We have been looking for Kat for the past hour and we still haven't found her, where did she go?

Cam is looking very pale and is murmuring a lot of words to himself. I hope he doesn't blacken or become crazy if we found out her sister died---

"Sir, we found Princess Katherine's.....body" a maid looking women bowed to the principal while saying the breaking news.

I was shocked, but personally I was more worried about Cam and who could kill a reincarnated person must be very strong. Kat was a strong girl, her strength was nearly equal to mine.

we quickly went to the hospital in school, where we found Kat lying on one of the beds deathly pale and blood everywhere painting the white sheet ruby red. Suddenly this emotion I couldn't describe willed up into my heart and my eyes started to water. I cried, and I haven't cried (not counting when I was a baby) since my parents died. Kat was the only person I could connect to, being two people from different worlds that came into one together, we had such a tight friendship but she had to leave this world before me. Sky came in the hospital and landed on my shoulder using his blue wings to pat my ear as his feathers gently smoothed my pain. Ever since I came to this world, I have experienced nothing but happiness. This world is like a home I always wanted, and losing someone close to me hurts more than a hundred arrows shot at you at the same time. Because, this pain is long term, the pain outside is only short term and is easier to heal, but healing a heart that doesn't look broken is a long process. My heart was broken long ago, but was restored when I came to this world. I was able to witness the life of a normal girl even if I was a noble. I love this world and I would never change it, but Kat's death... I thought the death of someone will never impact me like it did today. I thought I could deal with it, but I guess Kat and I was just so close I can't bear to lose her. Even worse I can't imagine what Cam, Kat's brother might be feeling. Losing a family member, I have felt it before and it literally broke my heart. I hope he stays sane and doesn't lose it like how I was.


But as I predicted, Cam very crazy. He locked himself in his room and wouldn't come out trying to research about the assassins to seek revenge, he wouldn't eat three meals a day but one. We tried to make him eat or socialise... anything to get out of that room, but he wouldn't listen. Once I saw him go out of his room to the school library for more books to research on, and he looked like sticks, he had deathly pale skin and looked very unhealthy. I tried to reason with him and tell him we are all feeling the same and experiencing the same pain he is, but that just made him more motivated to sacrifice himself to find who are the enemies. I'm really worried about him right now. I've never been more worried in my lifetime since I found out my adopted parents' occupation. I hope someone will be able to show him the light in the darkness he has swallowed himself into, like how god gave me a chance to reincarnate into Maria's body as my birthday gift. 

I died and reincarnated on my birthdayWhere stories live. Discover now