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"My lord Orion, please save us. We are being attacked by a Zomok", Kawi rushed into my tent to plead with me.

Kawi was the chief of the Kamini village who took me in after I mysteriously fell from the skies into this world of Ouamua after my world was destroyed by an Event that engulfed the entire Solar System.

My Artificial Intelligence assistance that I called Sara helped me to learn the language of the Kamini village through her observation of their speaking and expressions.

Sara was the most advanced technology of the 23rd century Earth that I came from. In my previous world, most humans were enhanced with AI assistance controllers like Sara, and she was my only friend.

Social relationships were heavily regulated in my world and not permitted to flourish.

But in Ouamua, we were free to have as many friends as we could. That was something of an experience for me.

"My lord, the Zomok wants us to offer him a sacrifice", Kay a young warrior suddenly said to me.

Kay was one of the best warriors in Kamini village and he was in charge of my safety in this village. But fighting against a Dragon was beyond him.

"I'll see what I can do. Bring me to the sacrificial alter", I replied to Kawi and Kay.

Kay quickly brought me to the middle of the village.

The villagers roamed the village frantically, with their spears and shields in their hands, as if they anticipated a fierce battle.

I investigated the commotion and found a long pole in the middle of a raised wooden platform recently assembled in the middle of the village, with a woman tied to it.

"Please help me I don't want to die", the woman pleaded with us.

The woman cried and pleaded for my help so instinctively I went to release her from her inhumane treatment, but as I walked toward her.

"Unknown object incoming", Sara sounded an emergency warning as I noticed a small flying ship approaching me.

No, it wasn't a vehicle that came but a winged animal about 30-meters in width, with bright red eyes and scaly skins and a head that resembled an alligator, that pumped smoky flames out from its nostrils and large opened mouth.


As it flew toward me, Sara detected a heat signature built up inside the creature's mouth, as a fiery flame soon blasted out of its mouth.

Instinctively I held out my hand to activate a Force field, but my generators were gone, so I had to elude it.

So, Sara calculated the motion of the incoming flame and its momentum and determined the appropriate maneuvers I should take, as I jumped to avoid the flame.

However, I couldn't evade the flame completely, but I procured the most positive of outcomes and avoided the most intense portion of the heat, but the fiery blast did cover part of my shoulder in flames.

Fortunately, the little flame that seared me did little to my skins which were non-flammable and resistant to fire, so I simply brushed it off.

Sara made more calculations to counter the creature, but it wasn't necessary after all, as it soon became apparent that the target of the creature wasn't me, as the creature swooped down from the air to grapple the woman tied to the pillar which I planned to rescue and took her away.


There were no precedents where a creature could breathe flames from its mouth but from Sara's observations, the creature had lungs filled with compressed gases such as methane or hydrogen, which were probably instrumental to its ability for flight.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now