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When the bandits came to pillage the village, Kay was here to defend the villagers. But he was not their match and was taken away.

Now that I have Kay's location, I could finally reunite with my long-lost friend.

"Do you know where the bandits took the villagers?" I asked the fishermen.

"We secretly followed them, but we couldn't save them", a villager told me suddenly.

After the villagers were taken, some villagers tracked the bandits and found their camp, so they brought me to a walled enclosure in the marshlands where the bandit's den was protected inside strong and high palisades.

"The walls are high. We can't get inside to save them", a villager told me after bringing me to the bandit camp.

"Don't worry, I'll rescue them", I replied to him.

Sara did a scan of the camp and found around a thousand fighters inside the den, so it was difficult for me to suppress them completely without harming the hostages.

It was also difficult for me to fight the entire camp with me alone.

"I need to have a better plan", I told Sara.

Suddenly many caravans approached the camp, and in the caravan, there were many captured villagers and goods pillaged from another fishing village.

The captured villagers gave me an idea.


I cut some trees along the main road to the camp which blocked the passage of the bandits. So, when the bandit caravan came through, they had to stop to clear the fallen trees.

While the bandits cleared the road, I snuck under their caravans and hid there.

When the bandits returned, they brought the caravans back into their camp together with me inside.

The bandits had a great village sacking, so they celebrated with a feast in the middle of the camp and the highlight of the feast was an extremely tasty soup made from seafood which even the chefs themselves applauded.

"Why didn't the chef make such good soup for us before?" the bandits asked themselves.

Apparently, a junior chef must have added a tasty ingredient into the large cauldron of meaty soup which even the master chefs didn't realize.

The soup was so tasty that the bandits and the chef didn't bother to enquire the authenticity of the recipe and all the one thousand bandits in the camp had their fair share of the delicious Octopus soup.

"I'm feeling hot. I'll take off my clothes", said one bandit.

"I feel like dancing", another bandit jumped out to dance the Macarena.

Not to be outclassed, another bandit leaped to the bandit doing the Macarena and challenged him with a "Gangnam Style".

After the bandits had their soup, they celebrated in a reverie as they danced and sang throughout the camp oblivious to the happenings around them.


The soup the bandits drank was enhanced with the flavoring from Queen Akkoro's body parts which I salvaged from the seas after the monster's death.

Initially, I thought only to make it available to experiment with the chemical compounds which caused hallucinations.

However, the seafood became handy here as I threw several cuts of them into the bandit's soup.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now