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Without waiting for the Dragon to free himself, I quickly grabbed another Dragonslayer to pierce his other wing.

With both double hooked lances that chained and securely anchored the Dragon to the sacrificial platform, I jumped away from the Dragon's dining table to let the rest of the team do their work.

The Ballistae that I hid around the sacrificial platform locked onto the beast's position.


Suddenly Ballistae bolts were fired repeatedly at the Dragon.

The Dragon's skin was tough and armored.

Ordinary arrows would hardly dent the skin of the Zomok Dragon.

But what we shot at the Dragon were Ballistae bolts that were basically light weight pikes that were pulled by a mechanism that drew an output of force far greater than the average bow.

Eventually even the Zomok Dragon was pierced by hundreds of our bolts until the beast resembled an angry porcupine with erected quills and fell into the platform motionless.

The villagers were still fearful of the Dragon even when he was down. It took the passage of time to convince the villagers that the Dragon was indeed dead.

When the Dragon was ascertained and certified as dead, we moved to the platform to recover the corpse, and I carefully carved open its belly to locate its heart.

There were tiny nano-bots within my body which were in effect my body's construction crew.

In this case, they acted much like the blood which brought nutrients to the body but instead, they went into the Dragon's heart to retrieve the organic Neutronium inside the creature for my use.


As my hands were absorbing the Neutronium particles from the Dragon's heart, the villagers thought I was making an offering to the heavens and my ritual demanded a sacrament, so they joined me in dance and chants, as I offered the heart to the sky and the Gods.


After I recharged my batteries with the new fuel, I decided to leave the village to explore this world and find answers to the question that perplexed me since my arrival, and I couldn't find the answer if I remained stationary here.

There were large cities in this world beyond this village and some of my queries could be answered there.

Kawi knew I wouldn't remain in the village indefinitely and I must have Godly quests to accomplish, so he gave me one of his best warriors as my bodyguard to accompany me in my journey, Kay.

My instinct was to reject him, but I needed a tour guide, so I agreed to take up on his offer.

They also sewed and put together the scales of the dead Dragon, into a full set of cool-looking garments for me.

Sara estimated its strengths as Level A9, so the garment doubled as an additional body armor which wasn't much compared to my force fields, but it was much better than the clothes I wore.

With that, I zealously ventured out of the village not knowing what situation awaited me, with the warrior whose name was Kay as my only companion.


Before I came to this world, I was Orion, a researcher from a Space Station tracking a mysterious comet in the Heliosphere of the Solar System.

My expertise was in the study of a substance called Neutronium which was only found in the comet that I was researching.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now