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Both moons were among several planetary objects that orbited a large planet, and they were connected by special portals. Melroy came to Ouamua from Pallantium through the magic portal.

However, events thousands of years ago ripped Ouamua away from its planetary body as it went on a voyage through space.

I couldn't contemplate Melroy's logic because the world of Ouamua didn't look like a moon or planet, so I merely shrugged off his theories as ramblings of a nutty magician who just came back to life.

Although he was nutty his magic was truly stunning.

He could call magic without casting as if magic was a part of him. According to Melroy the magic in Ouamua was pre-school stuff.

The magic in Ouamua was already quite amazing in my view and I would really like to see Melroy's advanced magic in action.

"Show me your magic?" I asked Melroy to prove to me he was the best Magus in this world.

"I'm sorry, I can't cast spell in my current form. The only thing that I could achieve is modify the spells inside of you", he told me.

"How did you modify the spells inside of me?" I asked him.

"Well, I do it all the time to our magic puppets", he said to me.

Apparently, Melroy lost the ability to cast his magic after his petrification, so a display wasn't forthcoming. Therefore, I could only treat the Magus' boasts as mere puffs.

But he might help me in some way since he could change the spells in me at will.

"I'm hungry, you must feed me now", Melroy said to me suddenly.

Ever since Melroy woke up he was gnawing at my supply of Magic Crystals, and he ate all my supplies of the stones.

"Damnit, I don't have any more magic crystals and I couldn't afford to buy more", I told him.

Melroy scratched his bald head and tapped his feet on the floor as if he was deep in thoughts. Then he had an idea.

The next day we went to the Hunter's Hall in Magisandria to return the corpse statues to their families. He wanted to claim the rewards for returning the statues.

"Is that your way of getting money? Returning the statues? It might be dangerous and expose me like last time I returned the statues in Kotonia", I told him.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll return the statues for you and claim the reward", he told me.

Melroy knew those people who turned into corpse stone because he was one of the first residents of the Obelisk space so for him to return them was apt.

The statues were his neighbors for hundreds of years.

From my experiences in Kotonia, I don't want to be accused as a fraudster again, so I left it to Melroy to return the corpse statues.

Besides, I did promise Cartelle to return his body to his family and Melroy returning the statues would help fulfill Cartelle's last will.

Melroy went to the main notice board in the Hunter's Guild Magisandria branch and looked at the section for missing persons and he took several notices and brought it to the Claims Department.

"Here you go these are the folks that you are looking for", Melroy told the attendant at the Claims Department as several statues dropped in front of him.

The attendant looked at the Magus like he was a crazed wizard because the notice looked for humans, not statutes.

"I told you they would think you are crazy", I said to Melroy glad that I had foresight from experience.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now