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After killing the Dragon-raptor we let ourselves down from the hunter's traps and inspected the creature.

"Dragon Raptors are forbidden creatures why would they be allowed into the Forest Reserve?" Pittel asked me but I knew less about the zoology of this world than him.

The mutant Boar was created by some Dark magic that was forbidden by the Tower of Babel.

The bigger mystery was how and why the creature appeared in this enclosed forest reserve which had no access to the wild, so someone must have brought it here.

The matter was even fishier when read together with the magical mating lake in the middle of the forest.

"Did someone purposely use the forest reserve to breed boars and mutants?" I asked Pittel.

Obviously, he had no answers just as I didn't.

We wanted to return to Ziane immediately to report our discovery of the Dragon-raptors in the reserve, but the portal Gate was already closed for the night.

So, we stuck to our original plan and camped in the forest until noon the day after when the portal Gate would be opened for us again.

The only difference was instead of feasting on a giant Boar we tried for the first time Bar-be-queued Dragon-raptors which tasted much like the usual boar meat except it was a little tough on the chewing side.

Well, it was edible and frankly quite delicious as well with the addition of my special seasoning, so Pittel and I had a feast.

Usually, I do not need to eat but my physiology allowed consumption of food.

Although humans in the 23rd century could do without physical eating, it was a part of human culture that we maintained. Once food entered my stomach instead of the usual digestive system, my nano-bots would break down the food and extract materials that I need.

So, in theory, I could eat anything, even poison without any effect on me.

After we had dined, and wined Pittel built a tent while I walked around the forest to enjoy the night skies since I don't sleep.

At around midnight when I returned to camp, I found Pittel gone.

It was unlike him to wander off in the middle of the night, so I searched the surroundings for him.

To my shock, I found some signs of struggle around the camp, so it was likely something happened to Pittel and he was probably taken.

My guess was that there were illegal poachers in the forest who took advantage of the booming boar population in the forest.

That would explain the traps in the forest where we were caught up in. We might just have discovered their illegal operations.

We weren't exactly discreet about our hunting activities and our Thunderbolts were loud. So, the illegal poachers found out about us too and they probably wanted to get rid of us to cover their tracks.

With our smoke-filled Bar-be-que and loud feasting, it was easy for the poachers to spot us. They must have waited till we were asleep before action.

However, they didn't expect I wasn't in the camp.

Immediately, I followed the poacher's trails and tracked the forest to locate where these people took Pittel and I found them inside a cave within the forest reserve, so I sneaked inside to check.

As I went inside the cave to my surprise and shock, I stepped into another wolf den again.

We weren't up against illegal poachers but serious organized criminals.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in Ouamuaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें