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The proud flame maker was a young man no older than twenty, who wore a long red robe which was adorned with gems and stones, and had his hair tied to a bun.

He definitely wasn't someone from Earth from his looks.

Judging by his appearance and manner he was obviously a noble or aristocrat of this world and he was the leader of the group of people who fought the scorpion.

As I attempted to recover my deformed lance, the flame maker came over to make conversation, Kay took the opportunity to ask for compensation.

"Hey, you must pay us back our Dragonslayer?" Kay asked the guy.

"Of course, I would compensate you for saving us. I am Cartelle, a Magus from Magisandria", Cartelle said to us and introduced himself.

"What the hell is a Magus and how did you make that flame?" I asked Cartelle.

"It is Magic cast from my Grimoire", Cartelle proudly explained to me, as he showed me his thick-bound book.

"Magic? There is Magic in this world?", I wondered with puzzlement, "as in Houdini? David Copperfield?"

"I am Orion, and this is my companion Kay", I told the Houdini guy.

"I would like to thank you for your help, and compensate you for your damaged weapon, my Barbarian friends", the Magus added.

It seemed Cartelle concluded from his observation of us that we were natives by the way we dressed and the body paintings on Kay. I wasn't any better dressed as I was girdled by a large piece of scaly skin.

"Yes, we definitely look like the natives", I told Sara.

"What the heck is a Magus?" I asked Kay.

"A Magus is a prestigious and respected profession in Ouamua, and they are specialists in Magic. They could somehow manipulate and create magic such as fireballs and freezing arrows, and even fiery breaths", Kay explained to me.

While the technology that the people here called magic was queer in my view, but it worked, and the people here seemed to swear by it.

The fire magic by the Magus Cartelle completely melted my Dragonslayer, and although it was not particularly strong or durable, and was unbearably weighty, it was the only offense I had, and now I lost it.

Cartelle wasn't an unreasonable person nor was he ungrateful, and he knew too well that our sudden unannounced meddle in his battle with the scorpion was timely and to his favor, so he wanted to compensate me and replace the lance he destroyed, which of course I gladly accepted.

"I would like to replace your lost weapon", Cartelle told us.

"Yes, but my Dragon slayer is not easy to replace", I told Cartelle.

Cartelle gathered the bodies of his dead companions and wrapped them in linens and pointed his hands to the corpses on one hand, while the other touched an amulet on his neck, and suddenly the corpses vanished into thin air.

I was both surprised and amazed at what he just did as he disintegrated the corpses in an instant ashless cremation.

"Is that the way to cremate the dead in this world? Or did you pull a David Copperfield on me again?" I asked Cartelle to which he explained to his unlearned barbarian friends, "I merely stored them in my space locker".

The explanation further baffled me, because if it was true that the corpses were sent into an invisible locker then the Magus had demonstrated the elusive technology of material teleportation, which was far more breathtaking than the instant disintegration and cremation of matter.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now