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It was a spell cast from Melroy's finger which was a concentrated laser, like my Eye of the Seas but its energy was condensed.

The Ray of Death though powerful wasn't enough to kill a Scorpion Queen but it managed to burn through the creature and light up my buckets of explosives.

In the end, the Queen Scorpion was killed by explosives after all as I intended although not the way I planned.

"I thought you can't cast your spells while in spirit form?" I asked Melroy.

"I'm slowly gaining some magic back after taking the Magic Crystals", he told me.

The Magic Crystals that I fed to Melroy had the effect of reviving his magic a little. At least they weren't a complete waste on him.

The Queen's brains were juiced with rich organic Neutronium, and although it was blown into pieces, I could still scoop the gooey brains to refill my batteries.

"You are disgusting", Melroy said to me as I absorbed the magic from the Scorpion Queen's brains.

"At least they cost nothing", I replied to the Magus who quickly stopped talking.

While my absorbing the brains of the Scorpion was free, Melroy spent all my fortune to replenish his magic.

When I was done, I noticed a large jewel between the Queen's eyes which somehow captured my fancy.

Sara scanned the jewel and found magical circuitries within the jewel not dissimilar to those in my Eyes of the Sea. So, I carefully dissected the jewel and stored it for further research.

"That's a gem", Melroy said as he looked at the jewel.

"It's a Creature artifact from the Serpent Queen quite like the other jewel you tried to absorb earlier", Melroy explained to me.

Creature artifacts were the spell-casting magical items that grew on powerful magical creatures. All the creature's spells came from their artifacts.

However, creature artifacts weren't of much use to a Magus because they couldn't use the artifact and they couldn't derive the spell from it.

"Nah the spells are not interesting", Melroy commented as he inspected the jewel.

"I'll just store it if the spells aren't too good", I told the Magus.

When we were done chit-chatting, we cut and collected all the tails which belonged to the scorpions before we returned to Magisandria.


"Where did you get the laser on your chest?" Melroy asked me.

"Why'd you ask?", I answered the Magus with another question.

"Well, it was the reason I was petrified by that bloodied Obelisk", Melroy said.

Melroy had a story that was related to the magical Eye of the Seas, on my chest.

He came to Ouamua precisely to look for the Eye of the Seas.

After a long search, he found out that Sharkman possessed the Eye, but he was imprisoned inside the Obelisk. So, he went there to retrieve the Eye but was instead petrified for hundreds of years.

"Can I have a look at your Eye of the Seas", Melroy pleaded with me.

"Nope, no way it's inside of me now", I refused his request bluntly.

Actually, I might be able to rip out the Eye for Melroy to study but when I think about it, curious people who studied magical artifacts usually wrecks it.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now