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At this time Zalickus almost reached the tunnel entrance and all I needed was to stall Sharkman for a minute.


Suddenly a laser was shot toward me from the bloodied shark.


Sharkman's laser missed me by a nose but at the same moment, I fired my laser on the glacier where the shark stood and melted the ground he was standing on, as he fell into the melted seas.

"You stole my Eye", Sharkman complained as he dropped into the water.

The shark finally realized his other Eye of the Seas kept in the Island off the seas of Kotonia ended in my hands. Actually, in my chest to be precise.

Before Sharkman returned to the cavern we escaped into the tunnel and ran toward the surface.


After a short while, the tunnel below us collapsed from an explosive device that I planted with an extra-long fuse, which melted all the ice into water.

As the melted water flowed into the lake, the tunnel entrance was enlarged into a cavern and the tunnel was now 30-meters above ground with no apparent path which could lead to it.

I guessed that was enough to stop their chase until we were out of there.

When we almost reached the entrance to the surface, there were several of Mori's men ahead of us.

Sara scanned and found the entrance outside of the Ice caverns were guarded by a few dozen guards so I couldn't kill those scums ahead of us with my Thunderbolt without alarming the hornet's nest.

"If only we could capture those scums and pretend to be them", I told Zalickus my idea.

So, Zalickus promptly brought out a scroll and cast a spell as a gas cloud emerged in their direction, and in a few seconds, all Mori's men who came into the tunnel fell to the ground, unconscious or asleep.

We took their robes, clothing, and badges, and Zalickus tied them up and teleported them into his space locker as he planned to bring them back for further interrogation.

After the prisoners were dealt with, we quickly changed into their clothing as we went out of the cavern.

"Hi," I waved at the guards as we walked out of the cavern, but they didn't bother to reply to me.

The guards at the entrance were oblivious to our passage since they didn't expect anyone else other than their people to be there, and the badges we waved at them were good.

It seemed they didn't hear the explosion of the tunnel downstairs, or they couldn't be bothered. Whatever may be the reason wasn't important.

The important thing was that we escaped.

Ahead of us, we saw a path left by Mori's men on the glacier grounds.

I guessed there must be some transportation mode left by the cultist that we could borrow, so we followed the trails until we reached several small balloon airships.

"Damnit, that's our escape", I said to Zalickus.

However, both Zalickus and I couldn't drive the airship.

Therefore, we brought out the only Engineer in our group from Zalickus' magical space.

"Where are we?" Pittel asked, as his head was a little dazed by the blinding light reflected from the shining glaciers.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now