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The temple space the Samurai brought us to, was the secret society's hide-out which kept the cult's secret member register and accounts, and it was the police's plan to raid the den all along to obtain the evidence.

Despite my earlier misgivings of the supposedly bungled operation, I realized it wasn't so because in fact a large contingent of police surrounded the warehouse and was on standby.

Their objective wasn't to rescue Zalickus but to infiltrate Tiamat's secretive hide-out because they knew the Samurai Boss would interrogate Zalickus personally.

Wherever the Boss went he would always leave an opened portal to his den which allowed him to call in reinforcements or escape from dangerous situations if required.

The agents of the Tower were correct in their prediction but the job of infiltrating into the portal to the hideout went to Erin and the ninjas, but they were all prematurely captured.

It seemed Mori was prepared too for the situation if the Magus they brought for interrogation was accompanied by the secret police, so they had magic revealing lanterns around the warehouse which rendered the ninja's invisibility useless.

Perhaps there were spies among the ninja's ranks.

I was brought along by Erin to the warehouse not because they didn't trust me but because they wanted me somewhere safe.

After I delivered the spy to them the Tiamat cultists might harm or kidnap me as well so being with Erin ensured my security.

Fortunately for the tower of Babel it was their thoughtfulness for my well-being that saved their operation from failure because without my intervention the mission would really have been botched.

For the next few weeks, Zalickus and the police were busy rounding up and arresting members of the Moto family with the evidence found in the temple and the evil Tiamat society was uprooted from Kotonia.

After I left the hospital, I returned to the dojo at Omi's clan and Amori gave me my reward as promised and a special bonus of 5000 gold coins for assisting with the police operation and killing the Samurai Boss which came with a lucrative bounty.

Right after Sara shut off my brains to protect me from electrocution, she released a magical laser into the Samurai Boss which surprised him.

The Samurai Boss never expected such a move from me and with my unexpected action, and that was the last we have seen from the mind-controlling villain.


Several weeks later, Sharkman and many sea creatures attacked and blockaded Port Kirana, the most important shipping port for Kotonia, for no apparent reason.

Knowing my abilities firsthand in killing Tiamat cultists and the Samurai Boss, Zalickus came to invite me to join the Hunter Guild's mission, to relieve the sea monster's blockade.

Pittel joined the hunt too, as he just built a few upgraded Thunderbolts for me, and he was eager to test out its features. Besides he needed to deliver supplies to Kirana Port, so he would have to make the trip anyway.

The Omi clan were operatives who worked for Kotonia's government, so they sent a group of ninjas for the mission and Erin came along too.

So, we all set off for Port Kirana like a gathering of friends going on a picnic trip oblivious to the danger we would face.


The train we boarded looked a lot like the pre-modern trains on Earth that ran on coal, except it was not run-on coal but by the magic of an Engineer Magus, driving the train, using Magic Crystals as fuel.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now