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"La li do me re fa..."

Suddenly, the sailors heard a beautiful tune as a beautiful woman mysteriously appeared on the reef who sang a melody.

All the sailors who alighted on the coral reef were suddenly woken up and were captivated by the enchantress' music as they walked toward her and disappeared from the reef.

However, I had a completely different view from the sailors.

Just as the Enchantress appeared I felt something was fishy, so I scanned the surroundings and to my surprise, we weren't resting on a corralled reef at all.

There was no woman on the reef and the sailors didn't hear a beautiful tune.

The sailors merely walked into the suckers on the monster Queen Akkoro and the beautiful tune they heard was a low decibel sound created by the giant Octopus.


We didn't land on a coral reef but on the tentacles of the monster that we were running from which explained my malfunctioning map because Queen Akkoro was swimming further into the seas.

It was apparent the sailors didn't escape from the clutches of the Octopus Queen after all. After the Queen broke their ship, she trailed our boats for a day and went ahead of us to lay a trap.

The creature had some abilities which enchanted or hypnotized the sailors to make them jump into the creature's mouth to be eaten alive.

"How did the Queen Akorro create the illusion of the Enchantress in the minds of the sailors?" I asked Sara.

"It is possible the sailors were affected by hallucinogens released by the Octopus which just as the Adrenochrome secreted by the Samurai Boss in Kotonia controlled the minds of soldiers there", Sara explained her theory to me.

But chemical stimulants by themselves couldn't create a mass illusion as seen by the sailors here so there must be more to the enchantment.

"The low decibel hiss made by the Octopus might have been the culprit who hypnotized the soldiers to jump to their deaths", Sara added to her observations.

It was possible this mode of operation wasn't new to the Octopus Queen.

She must have targeted hundreds of ships this way before, and her enchantment was probably developed and refined through long practice.

What she didn't expect was someone like me who was immune to her enchantment.

However, how the Queen caught her prey wasn't the most pressing matter to consider since we were in the middle of Queen Akkoro's feasting.


I had to release the sailors from the Akkoro's enchantment first, so I quickly shot explosives into the reefs around us which made several huge "Bangs" around us.

The sailors immediately woke from their trance to find themselves being hunted by Queen Akkoro's many tentacles.

The group of reefs we were standing on suddenly shook and revealed Queen Akkoro, as she rose above the seas and dropped the sailors into the water.

The colossal Octopus towered over the oceans and together with her tentacles that waved around her, the skies became dark like we just experienced an eclipse.

The sailors swam for their lives, but the Queen didn't plan to spare them.

They were her feast and she hunted them for some time, so the Queen wouldn't give up that easily until she was full.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now