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Suddenly the air inside the Whale's lung swirled and a huge force carried and pushed me through an entrance that opened before me.

It was the whale's blowhole, and I was finally out of the Giant Whale.

The whale's lung and its blowhole were connected, so the only way to exit the whale was to be exhaled from its lungs. That was my plan all along.

The whale would eventually have to exhale all the gas built up in its lungs.

I didn't expect to be out so soon because from Sara's scans we were still deep inside the oceans. Once I was sneezed out of the magical whale, I thought I would be somewhere above the seas.

But I didn't find blue skies above me.

Instead, I found myself inside some cracks within an ice cavern made up entirely from frozen seawater.

The Great Whale didn't return to the surface to breathe but hit an iceberg that was unusually deep under the seas, and I was thrown inside a strange icy cavern.

I wanted to hitch a ride back to the top from the whale but after releasing me from its blowhole the Great Whale disappeared into the oceans again.

Although I was deep in the seas it was rather weird that there was air around us albeit a little thin. There must be cracks and tunnels which led back to the surface otherwise there wouldn't be air here.

Sara scanned and created a 3D mapping of the entire Icy caverns and found a path that may lead me back to the surface. However, the path was blocked by huge ice walls, so I must retrieve Zalickus from the space amulet.

"Where are we?" Zalickus asked me when he appeared in the ice cavern.

"I had no idea", was my response.

Zalickus took out a magic sextant and calculated.

"We must be in Antarctica", I thought to myself.

"There shouldn't be ice here, this area is supposed to be the seas west of Kotonia", Zalickus said, his face looking puzzled and uneasy.

In fact, there were no icebergs or glaciers in the whole of Ouamua and throughout its history. That was because this magical world never had a winter.

"Burn through this ice wall", I asked Zalickus as I pointed to a frozen lump of ice.

Zalickus didn't really believe I could find the way out since even he couldn't, but he casted magical flame over the ice anyway, since he had no better options.

After a short time, the ice wall melted and Zalickus was surprised there was a narrow tunnel behind it. A slight breeze came through from the tunnel, so we might be on the right track to return to the surface.

"How do you know behind the ice is a tunnel?" Zalickus asked me.

"I can sense it", I replied to him.

As we climbed the tunnels, we found a strange corridor where the cool wind blew through.

Although I knew it wasn't the right way, Zalickus thought it could be an exit, so we went to investigate the corridor.

Instead of the usual ice stalactites, the walls of the corridor were made of smooth ice blocks almost like mirrors that reflected our images.

The ice blocks were probably carved by the fierce wind that came through which polished the ice into smooth mirrors.

"What are these ice mirrors?" I asked Zalickus but he was too deep in thoughts to reply to me.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now