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The onlookers in the Hall were awed because the Scorpion Queen was a powerful and high-tiered creature that would usually take a large army to defeat, and the one who defeated it was a fifteen-year-old boy.

"Oh, it's you young master. The Great Magus didn't come with you today?" the Claims Department Manager suddenly came over to ask me.

"He's busy", I told him.

"We'll process your claim immediately", the Claims Manager said to me and instructed his staff to process my claim.

"And what about my Hunter's Badge?" I asked the manager.

"Of course, for fulfilling the mission, your Hunter's Badge would be upgraded to a 3 stars", he informed me.

I have more than 10,000 gold coins with me from the reward for clearing the scorpion nest and the sale of the Scorpion Queen's carcass to the Magus Guild's Alchemist Shop.

If I didn't spend all my gold soon, Melroy the Magus would spend it for me to buy more Magic Crystals.

"Try not to wake the baldy up", I whispered to Sara.

Luckily for me, Melroy was fast asleep in his space. Apparently, the Ray of Death spell he cast in the desert took a heavy toll on his magic, so he needed time to recuperate.

Which was the best and only opportunity for me to actually shop for something and use my money, so I quickly went to the Magus Guild's Auction House.


Just like the magic space in Hotel Laruna, I walked into a small Dome in an oasis, and as soon as I walked in, it turned into a huge convention center with its ceiling reached high into the skies.

The hall was illuminated by several huge chandeliers that floated around in the air, in a circular motion like a fan, and in the center of the convention center were many large glass exhibits, placed within a comfortable distance from each other.

There was an item within each glass exhibit and as I approached one of the exhibits, an image of a beautiful saleswoman was projected before me, who said,

"Welcome to exhibit No.47: The Bones of Karambu. This is the ancient remains of the Black Dragon Karambu. An Earth Tiered Magic creature that was killed by a famed Hunter during the dark ages. This exhibit belongs to a private collection for three hundred years before being offered here...".

I walked away as I was not interested, and the beautiful saleswoman disappeared as I left.

Then I walked to something Sara was interested in.

"Exhibit 36: The Scepter of Nolam. This Magic Scepter is the creation of Craftmaster Magus Nolam. It is made through a unique process that combines various rare and exotic materials to be able to store magic and cast a spell instantly without requiring the concentration of a Magus. It is suitable for Nobleman and Royalty who are not Magus to cast the spell contained inside. The Scepter is engraved with the spell Wings of Gymre, which is extremely useful for mobility and to escape from a dangerous situation..."

Sara recognized the name Wings of Gymre.

"That artifact can cast a spell that gave the user magical wings for flight", Sara explained to me.

"What? Flight?" I replied to her with extreme excitement on hearing about the spell.

The artifice would be useful to me in my adventures, and it would also replace the anti-gravity belt I lost.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in Ouamuaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن