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"I'm definitely not risking linking my batteries to the Eye. You saw how the Eye destroyed the battery pack", I told Sara.

But Sara was eager to try out her theories.

"You are a little too eager for an AI program", I told Sara.

"I learned it from you", Sara replied to me.

AI programs don't think by themselves, but they learn to think like their subject. In Sara's situation, she was thinking like me.

I waited a day more before my curiosity and spirit of research overcame me as I placed the Eye of the Seas on my chest while Sara allowed the Eye to sink into my body.

My nano-bots created wirings that connected it to my battery and surprisingly a power connection was successfully established.

Although a magical circuitry ran through the Eye, I didn't know what the Eye was for.

There were complex wiring pathways within the Eye, and it would require some testing to determine if something was workable from the item and I had to be extra careful if I didn't want my battery to explode as the metal box did.

There were similarities between the Neutronium charges in my battery and the magic of this world and if it was true then theoretically, I could make use of the magical technology available here if I don't end up killing myself by trying.


As I swam for days, I had time to reflect on life and fate. I had a good share of dangers and trials since I came to this world and I had seen the death of my colleagues and comrades, and I thought about Cartelle and the team and my missing friend Kay.

However, along the way I had discovered many new wonders and the technology in this world called magic which opened the possibility to breathtaking discoveries which I had never dreamt of as possible.

This world of Ouamua had given me a new meaning and new objectives in my life after I lost my old world and everything in it, and with it, new hope and as I swam to the unknown city, I eagerly awaited a new world ahead of me.


After weeks of sailing in the wide oceans, I finally glimpsed a large mainland or continent ahead, when suddenly a long and large tentacle-like arm grabbed my boat and pulled it under the sea, together with me with it.

"Damn you damn squid", I shouted out to the creature who sunk my boat.

I found the culprit to be a Giant Octopus more than 10-meters in width with many long tentacles which were almost four times its width.

Sara scanned the creature and found rich magic inside its large head where possibly its brains resided but there was nothing that I could use to penetrate so deep into its head.

So, the best thing for me to do was to leave as quickly as possible.

However, my movements inside water were greatly impeded, and no matter how I swam the Octopus was still behind me.

The Octopus was intent on making me its meal and before I knew it, one of its tentacles wrapped and coiled around me and squeezed hard with the intention to crush my body.

The Octopus' tentacles grappled strongly onto me, as I struggled to break free from it, but I wasn't the match of the creature in strength.

"Was it finally my end?", I asked myself as I succumbed to the strangulation of the octopus.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now