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I jumped onto the crab's pincers and onward into the train carriage as I shouted to Pittel, "Come to the storeroom now". Pittel joined me in the storeroom not knowing what weapon that was stored there that could kill the Giant Crustacean.

"The chains. Take the chains", I shouted at Pittel as he hurried over to help me.

"Seriously? My chains? What are we going to do with it?" Pittel asked me.

We ran toward the colossal crab before it unstuck itself and we slung the anchor chains over the crab's pincer joints.

After we tied the crab's pincers together, we quickly fastened the chains with my Dragonslayer. We turned the steel lance as it cranked the chains which pulled the crab's pincer joints close together before we locked them securely.

The crab's pincers were closed together by Pittel's anchor chains, and the creature lost its ability to use its pincers properly and the creature was basically rendered a sitting crab that was no longer a threat to the train passengers.

It was clear the Giant Crustacean's rampage was over.

After it managed to pull out its pincers from the train, the giant crab ran sideways back to the seas while tied by Pittel's large anchor and chain.

With the rail tracks destroyed and the train overturned our mode of transport to Port Kirana was decommissioned, so we were left with no choice but to walk.

I wanted to walk with Erin and continue our conversations as we slowly journeyed but she and her ninja friends have left without saying goodbye.

Apparently, they had a change of mission and would not join us in our hunt.

The remainder walk was tiring but uneventful.

Once we reached Port Kirana, we assembled near the harbor and gathered with Zalickus as we waited for further instructions.

Suddenly a bloodied red Giant Shark monster appeared in the seas about 10-kilometers away from the harbor.

The beast was our nemesis Sharkman and he had grown to almost 300-meters in length, as he surfed on a huge tidal wave behind him which he magically controlled.

The sea around the bloodied shark was turned blood red by some unknown magical concoction, so the shark appeared like a surfer along a red carpet.

Ahead of us over the harbor, many balloon airships arrived.

They defeated the Sharkman before and almost killed him, so they stayed afloat as they watched and observed the creature. They weren't in a hurry to engage with the magical shark though, in case, he had some tricks up his sleeves.

Suddenly hundreds of giant Octopuses, Crabs, and Water Serpents came out of the sea toward the harbor, as Sharkman cheered them on.

It was unnatural that the sea creatures would gather for an invasion because they probably didn't have the brain and intelligence for such collective actions.

There must be some psychic like the Samurai Boss Imagawa of Tiamat who controlled and manipulated the creatures, and the likely culprit who controlled the fishes this time must be Sharkman himself.

However, nobody in the harbor spared a minute to consider the oddity as they were too busy to defend the harbor.


The soldiers and Magi in the harbor responded to the incoming sea hordes by shooting arrows and casting a variety of different spells at them such as magical Ice spears and projectiles, flaming arrows and fireballs, magic meteors and raining rocks, wind spears and you name it.

Awakening at end of the world: Arrival in OuamuaWhere stories live. Discover now