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"HAAAAAAANNNNNNN!" Han Jisung heard right before he felt a heavy body land on him. He let out a grunt of pain followed by a long and drawn out sigh.
He nudged his younger brother off of him so he could pull his blanket up and over his head.

"Waaaaakkkeeee uuuuupppp!!!" His brother annoyingly said as he pulled at the blanket. "Mom said you need to get up so we can go. Otherwise we'll be late." He continued.

"Come on. Come on. Come on. I want to go see what a college campus is likkeeeee. Come on. Get uuuuuuupp." His brother kept pestering him while Han fought his urge to throw him across the room.

Suddenly Han felt no movement or yanking at his blanket so he slowly peaked out from under the blanket. He saw his little brother standing next to his bed staring at him with arms crossed.

Han immediately covered his face again and threw a short fit denying wanting to get out of bed.

"Fine. Have it your way." His brother said as he turned to walk out of the room. As he was fixing to leave the room he said, "I'll just tell mom."

Knowing what his mom would do Han quickly sat up and yelled at his brother. "Felix! I swear! If you get mom up here I'll kill you myself." Han said then continued to lay down again.

"MOOOOMMMMMM!" Felix yelled throughout the house. Han jumped out of bed and tackled his brother covering his mouth in attempt to keep him quiet.

"Alright. Ok. I'm out of bed now will you quit?" Han asked as he had his brother pinned on the ground.

Felix just nodded his head seeing as his mouth was covered.

They then heard their mom yell back, "Yes??" And quickly Han gave Felix that 'if you don't clear this up your dead meat' look before taking his hand off of Felix's mouth.

Seeing as Felix got his way he happily yelled back "NEVER MIND MOM!" Felix then gave Han a small little smirk showing his happy ego from the victory.

Han got up at the sight of the smirk and pushed Felix out of his room. "Now get out so I can get ready. Tell mom I'll be down in a little." Han didn't wait for an answer before he just shut his door in Felix's face.

30 Minutes later Han came down the stairs excited now that he was awake.

His mom and brother had already started eating breakfast but Han wasn't too hungry so he didn't eat anything.

A few minutes went by before Han's mom asked, "Alright do you have everything?" She said looking around as if she'll find what she's looking for in the kitchen.

"Yup. Everything is all packed and ready to go." Han said reassuring her so she doesn't go full mom panic mode.

"Alright then let's go I guess." She said still sounding unsure as if she forgot something.

Felix walked to the door first as he handed his mom the keys.

She let out a sigh that seemed like she was saying, 'oh thank god. These are what I couldn't find.' "Thank you Lix." She said as she took the keys and walked out the door behind her two boys.

The drive wasn't too long but it was long enough for Han to try to get more sleep.

As his mom drove them to his college for dorm move-in day he couldn't help but think about what it's like. He tried shutting his mind off to go to sleep but it continued to run pictures and scenarios through his mind.

He tried imagining what the dorms looked like. Yes he has seen pictures but he wondered if the dorms were more damaged or more new then the pictures.

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