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It was the first day of classes and Han decided to wake up early so he can be among the first kids to get to the lecture room.

He's not going to lie, he was also very excited.

He tried his best not to wake up his roommate while getting ready and walking out the door.

As he walked across the campus he was scanning the buildings around him remembering everything that Hyunjin showed him a few days before.

After a little under 10 minutes Han finally reached his first class. The door was already unlocked and open so he just let himself inside.

He didn't see a teacher though so he just decided to find the most secluded off area of the room and sit down.

A few minutes later Han started taking out his books and pens seeing as more students started showing up.

Suddenly his seat was kicked.

Han snapped his gaze up and saw a boy giving him the death glare.

"You're in my seat." The boy said before nudging his head telling Han to move.

To avoid conflict which Han couldn't handle, he decided to move without causing any problems.

Han decided to move a few rows back where there were more empty seats.

After nearly 2 hours had passed, the lecture finally ended and Han decided he was hungry. So he left his class and went to the cafeteria.

Once Han sat down he called his mom seeing as she was freaking out about his classes starting today.

"Hey mom." He said into the phone while he ate.

"Hi sweetie! How did it go? Was it good? Did you like the teacher? Are all the students nice to you?" She started rapid firing questions towards him.

"Mom calm down." Han said laughing through his food. "It was good and everything is going well so far." He said answering all of the questions with one response.

"How's that roommate?" She asked and then suddenly Han saw Hyunjin skipping through the cafeteria towards him with a smile on his face.

"He's nice. He even showed me around the campus. I think you would love him. And I'm sorry mom. I hate to cut this short but he's actually coming to talk to me so I'll call you back later ok?" Han said before they exchanged goodbyes and hung up.

Hyunjin reached Hans table and said, "Heyyyy....whatcha eatin?" He said not sitting down.

Han then noticed that everyone's eyes in the cafeteria were now on them. Han got really stressed and shaky knowing this. So he put his head down and then stood up and walked away.

He hoped Hyunjin would follow him so they could talk outside away from everyone's eyes. Which Hyunjin in fact did do.

"Hey where are you going?" Hyunjin asked as he caught up to Han outside on the college open field.

"Just needed some fresh air." Han said trying to change the subject and calm down. "So what'd you need?" He asked Hyunjin who had a smile that said 'I need a favor'.

"No Hyunjin! It's not happening. I already told you." Han said walking away again.

"But pleaaassseee. I promise it'll be REAALLLYYY fun. And I'll always stick by you so you won't get lost and you'll always have a friend to help you." Hyunjin said following Han.

"I don't like parties." Han repeated.

The Freshie welcoming party was tonight and Hyunjin won't stop badgering Han to go with him.

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