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Han woke up the next morning and realized he was alone. He called Lee Knows name a few times but got no response.

He decided to head back to bed and call his mom.

Han ~ Hey mom.
Mom ~ Hey honey. How are you doing? I'm still so sorry that you couldn't come with us.
Han ~ Oh it's okay. I actually found a friend to stay with until break is over. How are things over there?
Mom ~ Oh things are great! The extended family says hi and that they wish you could be here. It's actually dinner time here and the food is ready. So I'll talk to you soon ok?
Han ~ Of course. And tell them I said hi as well. I love you mom. Goodnight.
Mom ~ Goodnight son.

Han expected her to respond with an 'I love you' before she hung up, like she usually does. But when she didn't it hurt Hans heart.

Ever since he's settled into college it's seems as though his mom is caring less and less about him. He didn't want to believe it but he knew it was true. And it was all because he wasn't around her everyday to keep their close connection.

He let out a sigh and felt a body land on the bed next to him. He whipped his vision as he saw Lee Know lying down smiling at the boy.

"Well good morning." Lee Know said all excited and chipper.

Han rolled his eyes as he climbed out of bed. "You need to stop doing that." He sat himself in Lee Knows desk chair.

Lee Know ignored Hans bad mood and told him about the donuts he got them for breakfast. They both sat in the living room watching TV as they ate breakfast.

"I'm going for a walk." Han said as he finished eating then left without letting Lee Know say anything to stop him.

Han didn't actually want to go for a walk seeing as it was freezing outside. But he knew staying around Lee Know would cause feelings to arise. And going for a walk was the perfect escape.

For a week straight Lee Know would try to hang out with Han and Han would find reasons to avoid him. Eventually Lee Know gave up trying. After the first few days they were walking around the house like the other person didn't exist.

One night Han missed his mom. He tried calling her a few times over the last few days but she never answered. And Felix answered texts every so often but they were vague. Han truly felt alone. Like he had no one. No family. No friends.

He needed some fresh air so he climbed onto the roof. And looked out at the stars. He pulled out his phone and found his moms contact once more.

*the number you have dialed-*

Han hung up the phone and tried to call again.

No answer.

He decided to call his brother.

No answer.

After his last attempt he got frustrated and out his phone back in his pocket.

He tried not to allow it but tears slowly started falling down his cheeks.

He looked up at the stars and decided to act like his mom could hear him if he talked to them. Because at least then he had someone to talk to.

"Mom. I miss you." The tears started streaming a bit faster as he spoke. "I don't know if I did anything wrong. Or if you just finally accepted the fact that I'm grown up and don't need you anymore. But. I do." The tears were aggressive now. "I'm lonely. And I miss you and Felix. It's been too long since I've seen you guys and you're the only people I can talk to. I don't have any friends. Well I thought I did but he hates me for some reason." Han laughed at himself now. "And this boy....this boy just....I don't even know. He's the only person who actually cares about my existence and I hate it. I hate it because I love it. I don't want to love it. I liked him but he doesn't want to return the feelings so I had to get over him and now I'm staying with him. Crazy right? He's all I can think about. All the time. So I try to avoid him to keep the feelings at bay. But it's hard. I miss him touch and his voice. It's funny because when I talk to a stranger or a stranger touch's me I get nervous and pass out. But with him. With him I feel normal. He makes me nervous and anxious but I don't pass out. I feel the adrenaline and excitement of something new thanks to him. It's like a drug. But. You know what they say. Don't do drugs kids. I want him but I know it's better to stay away. So I'll stay away. It's better to feel the pain of loneliness then the pain of losing someone. I'll be fine mom. I just miss you." He stopped talking and let out his cries. It felt good to get those things off of his chest.

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