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He didn't object so Han got up and walked over to him. He decided to down a shot beforehand to help cope with what he was fixing to do. He couldn't soberly handle the idea of hurting Lee Know this much.

Changbin stared up at Han from his seat. Han looked him in the eyes then slowly lowered himself down onto Changbins lap. He straddled him and placed his arms on either shoulder.

Some more 'oooo's' were heard around the circle. Hyunjin started quietly giggling as he said 'oh shit', while looking back and forth between Han to Lee Know, knowing how pissed Lee Know was fixing to get.

I didn't tell him to go that far?!?!? Felix panicked in his mind while trying to suppress a laugh.

Changbin motioned for Han to bring his ear to his mouth. Han listened.

"I'm only doing this because I'm your guys' biggest supporter and I know it'll make him jealous." Changbin started whispering into Hans ear as he slowly started wrapping a hand around Hans neck. "Now act like i just hit on you and kiss me like you mean it." Changbin finished as he watched Han fake a smile and giggle.

Everyone watched in amazement. They were all lost as to why this seemed natural for them. The whispering threw everyone off balance. Lee Know clenched his jaw and balled up his fists. He then grabbed the bottle of Vodka and chugged right from the bottle.

Han then placed a hand on Changbins chest and leaned forward. Their lips colliding together. It didn't take long for it to heat up. Changbin quickly moved both of his hands to rest on either side of Hans waist.

Everyone got extremely silent and didn't know whether they should be looking or not. Some we're exchanging looks of surprise while others were looking at Lee Know, getting prepared to stop him from attacking Changbin.

Lee Know stared at the two and watched every move they made, waiting for Han to stop and climb off so he could throw the bottle of Vodka at Changbin. But much to his surprise, they didn't stop.

Both boys got lost in their own world. Due to it being a long time since Changbin had last had any sexual interactions and Han constantly being horny. Both boys got turned on by each other and forgot where they were and what was going on.

Han wrapped his arms completely around Changbins neck and used his grip to pull him closer to his body.

Changbin gave in and allowed himself to not care about Lee Know or anyone else and just enjoy himself for the moment. He could sense Hans neediness which turned him on more then the make out session already had.

With both of his hands resting on Hans hips, he slowly started guiding Han to move his hips back and forth so both boys could feel each other's erections against one another turning the other on even more.

At this point a few of the people had their jaws hanging and nearly touching the ground while the others avoided looking at them at all costs.

Felix felt disgusted to see his own brother doing that but at the same time he looked at Lee Know wishing he could help the angered boy.

Lee Know couldnt stand it anymore. He didn't care if Han knew it was affecting him. He quickly stood up and walked off into the crowd at the party.

This caught Han and Changbins attention. They broke their lips apart and stared at each other.

A few of the boys ran after Lee Know and the others just awkwardly stood up and slowly walked off into the crowd as well.

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