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Lee Know watched as Han fell and quickly stepped in to catch him before letting him hit the ground.

Chan and I.Ns face expressed confusion and worry. Meanwhile Hyunjin scoffed and quietly said, "weak." He then watched as Lee Know picked up the younger bridal style and started walking off. His jealousy flooded back in. He pushed past I.N and Chan to follow Lee Know.

As Lee Know walked through his house carrying Han, all eyes were on him and the noise quieted down. Whispers and faces showing confusion were all that was seen as the crowd watched an angered Hyunjin follow the two.

After some time Lee Know had finally reached his room.

With some struggle he opened the door and walked in. He tried shutting it but Hyunjin stopped the door and allowed himself in. Lee Know sighed and rolled his eyes and he continued towards his bed.

Hyunjin walked in and shut the door.

Lee Know carefully placed Han on his bed and pulled his desk chair towards the bed and sat down.

Hyunjin watched as his anger got worse. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Making sure no one comes in while he's sleeping." Lee Know said not looking at Hyunjin.

"Why? Are you guys together or something?" Hyunjin attempted calmness and failed.

A little too quickly, Lee Know blurted out a, "no."

"So then why care for him so much?" Hyunjin was slightly calmer at hearing the 'no' from Lee Know.

"It's better than just leaving him out in the middle of the living room." Lee Know lied but Hyunjin couldn't tell.

"Well..." Hyunjin decided to try Lee Know once more. His voice got seductive as he slowly walked towards the older. "You know...to spice things up a bit...maybe we can have some fun right here right now. Just the two of us." He had now reached Lee Know and placed a hand on his thigh slowly sliding it upwards.

Lee Know grabbed his wrist without hesitation and threw it away from him. "No."

It was almost as if Lee Know flipped a switch in Hyunjin. "Are you fucking serious?! You never turned me down for a good time before but suddenly this lowlife shows up and he's your whole world!!" His volume knob had quickly been turned all the way up to 100 and he didn't care who heard or who it disturbed.

"Dude shut up. Han is asleep!" Lee Know whisper yelled back to the boy finally looking at him. But only anger filled his eyes.

"So fucking what!?" His voice was still loud as could ever be. "And by the way...he's not sleeping..he fainted." His voice was now changed to being petty with a bratty tone to it.

"I know." Lee Know quickly said before Hyunjin continued to talk not caring what the older said.

"Do you wanna know why he faints, and shakes, and has so much wrong with his stupid body?" He was now leaning over Lee Know in the chair with a snotty look on his face.

Due to the loud yelling from Hyunjin Han slowly started to wake up. His senses slowly coming back to him. Once his eyes were opened enough to realize he was in Lee Knows room he looked over to find Hyunjin leaning over the older.

"No. He'll tell me when he's ready. You shouldn't be telling other people like it's right for you to do so." Han heard Lee Know say as he got confused about the situation.

He felt his heart drop as he heard Hyunjin start to say, "that weak little shit right there...he's like this because he has severe so-" Without hesitation Han sat up slightly and yelled, "Hyunjin!"

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