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The next morning Han woke up first. He woke up earlier then he wanted to. He still had a few hours before his first class.

He didn't know what to do without the owner of the house being awake so he decided to just roll over towards the side table to grab his phone.

As he rolled over and went to reach for his phone he noticed Lee Know out of the corner of his eye. Quickly Han retreated his hand and put it back on the bed.

He focused his vision on the boy sleeping on the floor. He scanned his face and the only thing he could notice was how much more calm his features were.

He looks different. Han thought to himself. When he's awake he looks more uptight and angry all the time but when he's asleep he's peaceful and calm.

Han then grabbed his phone and opened his messages.

I'll be there around 10:00 to pick you guys up

How is your first week going?
Do you feel better after resting?
How are you doing? I miss you.

Han replied a simple "ok" to Hyunjin and answered all of his moms questions. He let a small smile creep onto his face as he felt the love from his mom through her texts.

He will admit that he did feel bad since he hasn't called her since he got home after the hospital. He was focusing too much on catching up in his classes.

Almost as if on cue Lee Know woke up.

Half an hour later both of the boys were sitting at the kitchen table eating.

"Can I ask you a question?" Han said breaking the silence. Lee Know just responded with a 'hmm?'

"What happened last night? Did I do something wrong?" Han asked straight forward again since his question wasn't answered last night.

"What do you mean?" Lee Know asked still a little asleep.

"Well...we were having a good time and laughing. Then all of a sudden you got really quiet and you wouldn't talk to me or look at me really. What did I do?" Han said keeping his vision on his food.

"What makes you think you did something?" Lee Know asked keeping his eyes on the boys side profile.

"I'm not sure. I guess it's just that it usually is my fault. And when I talked about me sleeping in your bed and asked about how many people you've slept with in your bed.....you got quiet. So I'm assuming I said something wrong?" Han asked just wanting to know so he can apologize for it.

Lee Know looked down at his food as well and started thinking about what he wanted to say.

'You didn't do anything wrong. I did. You asked me how many people I slept with in my bed. No one. I don't let anyone in my room. Hyunjin rarely goes in there and he's my closest friend. He's never even slept on my bed. Not even for a second. But...you have. You've been in my bed for hours. And in my room for nearly two days. And I never realized that I let you do that. Not until you asked me how many people I've slept with on my bed. I don't let anyone in there but you....I got scared. And I guess that's why I got quiet and cold towards you. Because I got scared of what me letting you in, meant.'

That's what Lee Know wanted to say but instead he replied to Han with, "what makes you think you did anything wrong? I just got tired I guess." Lee Know said sitting back in his chair crossing his arms.

Han just gave a small head nod to say he understood. Lee Know looked at the boy and noticed that he was poking at his food. He knew just asking him to eat won't make him eat it all so he thought of a way that would make him eat all of his food without hesitation.

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