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Han was sitting at the counter messing with his dinner.

"You should eat that honey." Hans mom came by and placed a couple vitamins next to his plate.

"I'm not hungry but thank you though." Han said as he slid out of the bar stool. Before his mom tried pushing him further he quickly changed the subject. "What game are we playing tonight? I'm thinking maybe Monopoly. Felix loves that one." Before giving his mom time to speak he immediately ran into the living room.

"Felix!!!!!" Han yelled from the living room. His mom let out a sigh and grabbed the plate off of the counter. She turned around and threw the food away and put the plate in the sink. She looked up at the roof once she finished to stop herself from crying. She knew her son was withering away. Mentally and physically. She didn't know how to help. She wanted her son to live, but it didn't seem like he himself wanted to.


Han, Felix, and their mom stayed up playing Monopoly nearly all night. They all got too lost in each others presence to notice the time.


Almost as if it was a rerun of last year, everyone woke up late the next morning and was rushing around the house. After about 45 minutes of the rushing Han heard, "Han! Lets go! We're running extremely late again!" 

Once Han heard this, his heart dropped. But he brushed off his thoughts and ran down the stairs. "Let's go." He said as all of them were carrying boxes and suitcases while walking out the door.


The drive wasn't nearly long enough for Han. He stared out the window the whole time. Lost in thought.

Their mom and Felix tried to socialize with him but he didn't respond.

Their mom was worried. She wanted to talk to her son about what was going on in his mind but she knew it might make thing worse.

Felix knew what was going on but knew it wasn't his business to push on it.


Once they arrived Han had to let go of a breath he didn't realize he was holding. As they parked and climbed out of the car, Han grabbed his phone from his pocket and called someone. "Hey."

"Hey. Where are you? I miss you." Hearing that made Han laugh.

"I'm standing outside right now. Where are you?" He replied trying to figure out where he was going to avoid looking like a lost puppy.

"I'll come out to you." He quickly hung up. Han also hung up as he put his phone back in his pocket and helped Felix and their mom unload.

A few minutes later Han heard his name being yelled from behind him. He quickly turned around and felt a body slam into his. He wrapped his arms around the warmth and gave it a quick squeeze as he laughed.

Once the two bodies parted Han pinched the younger and asked, "how ya been Innie. I haven't seen you since last year. Where are the others? And Bang Chan? How's that going by the way?" Han threw questions left and right at his friend.

"Oh well Changbin and Seungmin are meeting us in a little bit, and Channie is doing really good. He's up there right now helping me." A smile was engraved onto his lips.

Felix walked over and said, "I'm still mad that you didn't want to room with me...now I won't know who I'm staying with." He started pouting with crossed arms.

Both of the boys laughed. "You guys ready?" I.N asked and he helped grab some of their things.

Everyone nodded and started heading into the building.

Their mom watched from behind. She loved seeing Han with friends and seeing a real smile on his face after so long. She knew that this I.N boy was a good person for Han to be around.

"Oh it is weird to be back here. Let alone get lucky enough to be roommates again." Han said. "The memories man." He looked around as he let it all sink in.

"Wanna know something even more weird?" He asked with a dorky look on his face.

Both Han and Felix looked at him with a questioning look.

"We're in the same room as last year." I.N said as he pushed open a door.

Hans mouth genuinely dropped as he walked through the door.

"Lets get Hans things taken care of then we can go to Felix's room alright?" Their mom suggested and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Hey man!" Chan said as he gave Han a side hug. "How ya been?" Both boys caught up as Felix and I.N properly greeted each other.

After they finished in Han and I.N's room they headed down the hall a few dorms.

"Here we are." Chan said as he pushed open a door.

Han and Felix looked at he older confused. "How do you know which room I'm in?" Felix asked confused about the stranger.

"Wanna know another weird thing?" I.N said walking towards Chan. Everyone looked at him questioningly again. "Bang Chan and Felix share a room too!" He jumped in excitement.


After everyone was done bringing their things in the boys said bye to their mom and she left. Felix and Chan went back to their dorm, and I.N and Han stayed in their dorm to unpack.

"So what's your deal?" I.N said as he threw himself onto Hans bed causing Han to stop what he was doing.

Han looked at him confused. "What're you talking about?" He continued to walk around organizing the last of his things.

"Dude. I'm not blind. No one is. We all see you. You've lost weight. You don't talk as much. You faking you smile half the time. And you always seem to be lost in thought. What's up? What happened?" I.N's list seemed to last forever for Han.

"Nothing. I'm fine. But what I do want to know is if you want to go to the arcade down the street?" Han said turning around to face I.N while giving him the biggest smile he could hoping it would distract him from pushing any further.

I.N jumped off the bed. "Oooo I've been wanting to go there ever since I started college. Can Felix and Chan come too!?!" I.N asked hoping to see his boyfriend once more.

"Yea. I was planning on asking them anyways." Han said as both boys started to out their shoes on and head out of the dorm to Chan and Felix's room.


It was now 9:00 at night and everyone had been at the arcade running around for a while. Han's body was getting tired so he decided to sit down to relax. He walked away from the claw machine with Felix and I.N playing. He headed over to the dining area.

He found d an empty table and took a seat. He pulled out his phone to text his mom to check on her. And to make sure she made it home safely.

After he got off the phone he felt a slight relief knowing his mom was safe and happy.

"Excuse me, are you still using the table? We need the room ,and there's nowhere else to sit-" Han looked up at the stranger causing him to stop talking.

Hans heart dropped and his mind went blank. "Hyunjin?" He asked as he stood up quickly. "What're you doing here?" His fight or flight turned on and his mind quickly went to fight.

"You better leave." Hyunjin said bucking up blocking something.

"Why? I was here first. And you have no business messing with my life anymore." Han wouldn't quit.

Hyunjin smirked surprised at how much Han has changed since he last saw him. He knew continuing to argue wouldn't change anything so he decided to step out of the way of what he was blocking from Han.

Han saw behind Hyunjin and the only thing he could do was stumble backwards and leave without breathing and his nerves taking over.

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