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After indulging in Lee Knows soft lips, Han realized he should probably go now before it goes further.

He pushed off of Lee Knows chest and stepped back. He avoided looking the older in the eyes.

"I should go." Han said awkwardly. He didn't know whether or not he was allowed to show how happy he was to feel Lee Knows touch again.

All he knew was that he was now scared that Hyunjin would find out.

Lee Know obviously tried to stop him but Han said, "please...I can't risk getting caught with you." Han knew he probably shouldn't have said that.

"Risk what?!" Lee Know quickly got mad. "What did Hyunjin threaten you with?! Whatever it is I don't care! I'll fix it!" He kept going until more tears started to appear.

Han just said he was sorry then left. And this time Lee Know actually let him leave.


As Han reached the campus grounds he saw Hyunjin and Felix walking around the campus together.

Due to what he just went through and then seeing this unfold, Han lost his control.

He balled up his fists and ran over to them.

Before he could lay a hand on Hyunjin, Felix caught sight of him and stopped him. "Han what the fuck?!" He yelled holding his older brother back.

Hyunjin stepped back.

"What the hell are you doing with my brother?! Why can't you just leave me alone!" Han yelled over Felix's' shoulder. "I never did a damn thing to you! Stop trying to ruin my life by using my brother!"

Hyunjin jumped forward and grabbed Han off of Felix.

Felix's eyes widen with confusion of what Han just said.

Hyunjin quickly pulled Han close and said, "can I talk to you? Now?" He wasn't scared of the younger. So he yanked him away from where Felix stood, still confused.

Once they were a fair enough distance away, Han yanked his arm back to his own body. "What the fuck do you want?!" His voice was still raised as Hyunjin told him to quiet down so Felix couldn't hear them.

"Listen to me." Hyunjin said but Han kept trying to interrupt. Hyunjin raised his voice. "Dude shut the fuck up for 5 seconds and let me explain!"

"The last time you wanted to talk to me, you ruined my fucking life! I don't care what you have to say!" He tried walking away but Hyunjin grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"You're going to want to hear this." His voice was more calm as he let Han watch him look at Felix.


Han and Hyunjin decided that it was too late to talk that night. And that they should each calm down and meet up the next day to talk. Alone.

Han waited impatiently at the nearest park. It was cold outside so no one was there.

About 10 minutes later Hyunjin arrived. "Did you paint your nails before coming, princess?" Han asked as he stood up to eye the older one.

"Shut up." Hyunjin rolling his eyes as the sat at a public bench.

"So tell me." Han demanded to get straight to the point.

Hyunjin took a deep breath. "Let me start off by saying that I had no idea that you guys were related in any way. When he told me his brothers name was Han it didn't even cross my mind that it could be you."

Han just nodded, not believing a single word to come out of Hyunjin's mouth.

"Jesus...in order for this to work...we gotta fix our issues and move on...so at least try to believe me." Hyunjin said getting angry.

"Fix what? Our friendship? No you lost that the second you decided to threaten me for a love that wasn't there."  Han knew that was a low blow but Hyunjin deserved it.

Hyunjin sighed and looked Han in the eyes which surprised the younger. "When you were in the hospital...after," he took a deep breath. "After what I did. I visited everyday. I just never went in your room because Lee Know was always there and he'd literally kill me. I don't know what came over me that night and I truly apologize for it. After that I realized how toxic my love for Lee Know was. If I can even call it that. But that's when I decided to leave him alone. We didn't talk much after what I did. I let go of him." Hyunjin admitted now looking at his hands in his lap.

"Then why did you threaten me...?" Han was curious and his anger was slowly disappearing.

"I guess a part of me couldn't handle the sudden change. And I was jealous of the relationship that you two had. I wanted that. And so I thought that if I could t have him anymore then neither can you." Hyunjin turned his gaze to meet Hans. "I'm truly sorry."

Han didn't know what to say. This was all a huge shock and it's not at all what he thought Hyunjin was going to say.

"Felix." Hyunjin said continuing.

Han snapped his vision to the older at the mention of his brothers name.

"I really do like him. I'm happy I met him. He's taught me a lot. You know...about how a real, and a healthy relationship is supposed to be." He decided to remain confident in his words no matter how mad they made Han. "I want him in my life. I want to hopefully make him my boyfriend one day. And I don't care what you say or do. If I have to prove myself to you then I will. But I'm not losing him.....and I'm sorry I made you lose your happiness."

Han depressingly looked down at his lap as he thought about Lee Know.

Hyunjin caught his attention once more. "I'll leave you guys alone. Forever. If you want to be with him then do it. What I said...outside your dorm that night. I take it all back. Be with him. You guys shouldn't have ever broken up." Hyunjin's tone got sad during the last sentence.

Hans mind was running wild now. He didn't know what to think, how to react, what to say, what to do. He just sat there.

"I know it's a lot to ask...but can we put everything in the past and be friends again....for all of our sakes." Hyunjin said judging Hans shoulder to lighten the mood.

Han snapped out of it trance. He gave Hyunjin a small grin and said, "no. You'll have to earn that spot." He was being straight forward.

Hyunjin got slightly hurt by that but he understood.

"But, I support you and Felix." Hans said and watched as Hyunjin snapped his vision up at Hans with an instant smile on his face.

"Really?" Hyunjin's inner child side was showing and Han hadn't seen it in a long time so it forced a smile out of him.

"If Felix makes you feel the way that Lee Know makes me feel...then of course. I wouldnt want to take that feeling away from anyone." Han said with a smile on his face.

Hyunjin was extremely excited. He didn't know how to act or what to do but jump around with a smile on his face. "I'll make it up to you! I promise! I'll prove that I've changed! Just watch!"

Han held back as much laughter as he could. While immensely failing.


After they calmed down and were sitting in silence for a short time, Hyunjin spoke up. "Are you going to go back to Lee Know...and tell him that I've released my claws from you two?" Hyunjin was trying to make a joke but Han was too lost in thought about it to know what to do.

"I never told him." Han admitted.

Hyunjin got shocked and his jaw dropped with widened eyes. "You never told him why you broke up with him?! I figured you would've by now." He was genuinely shocked that Han listened to his threat for this long.

"Well you're still alive aren't you?" Han looked nudging Hyunjin. And Hyunjin nodded. "Therefore I never told him. But I do plan on it eventually. But not now." He admitted getting serious again.

Hyunjin caught on to what he was hinting at. Concern started to grow in him. "You're not going to try getting back with Lee Know?"

Han simply answered with a deadpan tone and expression.


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